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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2015, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (03) : 206 -210. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2015.03.008

所属专题: 文献


王晓冰1,(), 唐力1, 陈昕1, 马春燕1, 白洋1   
  1. 1. 110001 沈阳,中国医科大学附属第一医院心血管超声科
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-16 出版日期:2015-03-01
  • 通信作者: 王晓冰
  • 基金资助:

The value of color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of cystic adventitial disease

Xiaobing Wang1,(), Li Tang1, Xin Chen1, Chunyan Ma1, Yang Bai1   

  1. 1. Department of Cardiovascular Ultrasound, the First Hospital, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China
  • Received:2014-11-16 Published:2015-03-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiaobing Wang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wang Xiaobing, Email:

王晓冰, 唐力, 陈昕, 马春燕, 白洋. 彩色多普勒超声在诊断血管外膜囊性病变中的应用价值[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2015, 12(03): 206-210.

Xiaobing Wang, Li Tang, Xin Chen, Chunyan Ma, Yang Bai. The value of color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of cystic adventitial disease[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2015, 12(03): 206-210.










To explore the ultrasonic characteristics of cystic adventitial disease (CAD) and to evaluate the value of color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of CAD.


We retrospectively analyzed the ultrasonograms and other imaging methods of eight patients with CAD conformed by surgery in The first Hospital of China Medical University.


Five of the eight CAD cases were confirmed by color Doppler ultrasound before surgery, and three were misdiagnosed. All the cases were single, with five in popliteal artery, two in iliofemoral artery, and one in external iliac vein. We divided the cysts into concentric cysts and eccentric cysts according to the cystic shape and the lumen stenosis. Six cases were eccentric cysts, in which two had septations; two cases were concentric cysts, and both had septations. The affected vessel expanded, but its shape did not change and the lumen was compressed. There were three layers of wall between the cyst and the lumen. The peak systolic velocity of the affected lumen increased and the distal end systolic peak velocity decreased when lesion occurred in artery. Distal end lumen reflux were slow when lesion occurred in distal veins. Angiography showed the stenosis of the affected lumen, which was described as "scimitar sign". CT showed uniorlocular or multilocular cyst, and the compressed lumen. All of the eight patients underwent the diseased adventitia resected along with excision of the cyst.


The color Doppler ultrasound can display the location, shape, and internal echo of CAD, and thus it can accurately evaluate luminal stenosis and flow pattern. This is of important clinical significance for the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of CAD.

表1 8例血管外膜囊性病变患者的基本情况及超声特点
图3,4 髂外动脉-股动脉向心性囊肿超声图像。图3为横切超声图像,髂外动脉-股动脉外径限局明显增宽,约为1.52 cm(髂外动脉未受累处管径宽约0.89 cm),但外形无明显变化,其血管外膜内见环形附加囊状无回声区,内有分隔(箭头所示),无血流信号,病变处管腔限局变窄,彩色血流明亮;图4为纵切超声图像,股总动脉不规则增宽,其前方及后方血管外膜内见多个附加条状无回声区(箭头所示),沿动脉管壁走行,内无血流信号,病变处管腔限局变窄,彩色血流变细,囊肿与管腔之间可见三层管壁结构
图10 腘动脉血管外膜囊性病变示右腘动脉(箭头所示)前方无回声区,与动脉外膜关系紧密,病变处管腔限局变窄
图12 腘动脉血管外膜囊性病变切除之囊肿壁病理图片(HE ×200),镜下可见纤维结缔组织,局部有炎细胞浸润
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