To explore the impact of the stage assessment model based on objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) on the graduation theory and skill assessments scores of ultrasound residents.
This study involved two groups: control group and study group. The control group was composed of ultrasound residents of grades 2018 and 2019 who received traditional stage assessment, while the study group consisted of ultrasound residents grades 2020 and 2021 who received stage assessment based on OSCE. Based on the OSCE assessment method, a total of 3 test stations were set up, including ultrasonic clinical thinking station, ultrasonic operation skills station (including 3 modules, i.e., abdominal ultrasound,superficial organ and peripheral vascular ultrasound, and cardiac ultrasound), and clinical humanistic communication station. The basic information of all subjects, their scores and pass rates of theory assessment in the first quarter of standardized training, graduation theory and skill assessments, and the results of the skill assessment of all ultrasound residents in Suzhou from 2021 to 2024 were collected for independent sample t-tests and chi-square tests. The specific number and results of completion skills assessment of all ultrasound residents in Suzhou in the corresponding year were obtained from the Suzhou Completion Assessment Center.
There was no statistical difference (P>0.05) in the score of the theory assessment in the first quarter of standardized training [(102.56±15.13) vs (97.76±16.08)], or in the score [(420.33±16.32)vs (423.76±13.08)] or pass rate (88.9% vs 100%) of graduation theory assessment between the control group and the study group. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the score [(646.39±31.28) vs(653.52±30.53)] or pass rate (87.9% vs 92.9%) of graduation skill assessment of the residents of Suzhou in the corresponding years between the two groups. The score of the graduation skill assessment and the pass rate [(656.82±22.74) vs (631.41±30.77); 100% vs 77.78%] in the study group were significantly higher than those of the control group (t =-2.96, P =0.005; χ2=5.20, P =0.037). The difference between the graduation skill assessment score of the study group and the average score of Suzhou in that year was significantly higher than that of the control group [(2.77±22.76) vs (-15.03±29.09), t =-2.14, P =0.039]. The scores of abdominal,superficial organs and blood vessels, and cardiac ultrasound skills in the study group were significantly higher than those of the control group [(87.05±4.27) vs (78.61±4.82), t =-5.80, P<0.001; (80.14±3.71) vs(73.61±9.00), t =-3.04, P =0.004; (77.00±6.99) vs (70.28±9.90), t =-2.47, P =0.018].
OSCEbased stage assessment of ultrasound residents standardized training can increase the score and pass rate of the graduation skill assessment, and improve the operation skills of abdominal, superficial organs, peripheral vessels, and cardiac ultrasound.
Key words:
Standardized training,
Objective structured clinical examination,
Stage assessment
Qing Jiang, Jun Gu, Jianfeng Guo, Linliang Yin, Chunya Ji, Ya Gao, Yuefan Gu, Xin Wang, Guannan Feng, Shaowen Tang, Xuedong Deng. Impact of stage assessment model based on objective structured clinical examination on graduation assessment scores of ultrasound residents attending standardized training[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2024, 21(11): 1072-1078.