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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (03) : 255 -264. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2023.03.001


丁妍, 文华轩, 陈芷萱, 曾晴, 张梦雨, 廖伊梅, 罗丹丹, 秦越, 梁美玲, 邹于, 李胜利()   
  1. 518028 南方医科大学附属深圳妇幼保健院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-28 出版日期:2023-03-01
  • 通信作者: 李胜利
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(81771598); 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1002202); 深圳市科技计划项目(JCYJ20170307091013214)

Prenatal diagnosis of fetal cerebellar cortical dysplasia by ultrasound

Yan Ding, Huaxuan Wen, Zhixuan Chen, Qing Zeng, Mengyu Zhang, Yimei Liao, Dandan Luo, Yue Qin, Meiling Liang, Yu Zou, Shengli Li()   

  1. Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital Affiliated to Nanfang Medical University, Shenzhen 518028, China
  • Received:2021-04-28 Published:2023-03-01
  • Corresponding author: Shengli Li

丁妍, 文华轩, 陈芷萱, 曾晴, 张梦雨, 廖伊梅, 罗丹丹, 秦越, 梁美玲, 邹于, 李胜利. 胎儿小脑皮质发育不良的产前超声诊断[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2023, 20(03): 255-264.

Yan Ding, Huaxuan Wen, Zhixuan Chen, Qing Zeng, Mengyu Zhang, Yimei Liao, Dandan Luo, Yue Qin, Meiling Liang, Yu Zou, Shengli Li. Prenatal diagnosis of fetal cerebellar cortical dysplasia by ultrasound[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2023, 20(03): 255-264.










To explore the prenatal ultrasound features of fetal cerebellar cortical dysplasia.


Referring to the relevant literature on cerebellar cortical dysplasia and based on its magnetic resonance imaging findings, anatomy, genetic results, and clinical prognosis, the prenatal ultrasonographic manifestations of 19 fetuses with cerebellar cortical dysplasia diagnosed by ultrasound at Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital Affiliated to Nanfang Medical University from January 2017 to December 2020 were summarized.


The prenatal ultrasonogram of cerebellar cortical dysplasia was characterized by abnormal orientation of fissures, and oblique, vertical, or distorted fissures. Genetic tests were performed in 12 cases, of which 9 had positive results and 3 had negative results. Three of the 19 fetuses after birth were followed up to 17 months, 24 months, and 24 months, respectively; the head circumference of one case was larger than that of normal infants of the same age though no obvious abnormality in psychomotor development was found, one case had only fine motor deficiency, and one case had poor outcome, including global developmental delay, mental retardation, and epilepsy. Pregnancy was terminated in all the other 16 cases.


Cerebellar cortical dysplasia can be prenatally diagnosed based on the characteristic ultrasonic features. Cerebellar cortical dysplasia rarely presents as a single finding and is commonly associated with malformations of the brain or other posterior fossa malformations, chromosomal abnormalities, and genetic syndromes. It is difficult to accurately assess the risk of poor prognosis of cerebellar cortical dysplasia.

图1 孕24周胎儿小脑无异常,叶裂连续完整呈有规律的弧形排列
图2 例1胎儿产前颅脑超声声像图。图a(孕21周)及图b(孕28周复查)小脑水平横切面显示左侧小脑半球叶裂显示欠清晰且走行紊乱,右侧小脑半球叶裂未见明显异常(箭头所示)
图3 例2胎儿产前颅脑超声声像图。图a(孕22周)丘脑水平横切面显示胎儿外侧裂浅平(黄色箭头所示),侧脑室增宽;图b(孕22周)小脑横切面上显示胎儿小脑表面叶裂走行紊乱,呈斜向走行(黄色箭头所示);图c(孕27周复查)三维透明成像显示胎儿小脑叶裂呈斜向走行(红色箭头所示)
图4 例5胎儿孕24周产前颅脑超声声像图。图a二维超声显示小脑叶裂呈纵向排列(黄色箭头所示);图b二维超声显示小脑原裂(黄色箭头所示);图c三维小脑表面成像显示小脑叶裂呈纵向排列(红色箭头所示)
图5 例14胎儿孕30周,二维超声小脑横切面显示一侧小脑发育不全,该侧残存小脑表面叶裂走行紊乱(箭头所示)
图6 小脑叶裂无异常与叶裂异常胎儿产前颅脑磁共振成像对比图。图a(例3)孕23周产前颅脑轴位MRI T2加权成像显示Joubert畸形,其小脑叶裂呈纵向排列(箭头所示);图b(例5)孕24周产前颅脑轴位MRI T2加权成像显示小脑叶裂呈纵向排列(箭头所示);图c同孕周小脑叶裂无异常胎儿产前MRI成像图
表1 19例CCD胎儿产前检查结果及围产期结局



孕周 胎儿产前影像学表现 基因检测结果 围产期结局与预后
小脑叶裂主要表现 合并神经系统异常 非神经系统异常
1 21 左侧小脑部分叶裂走行紊乱 左侧小脑局部向外凸起的异常回声 WES未见异常 TOP
2 22 小脑叶裂呈斜行 透明隔部分缺如,视神经发育不良,外侧裂切迹状 WES:TUBB3基因(杂合)突变,CDCBM1 TOP
3 23 小脑叶裂走行紊乱,小脑表面异常高回声 Joubert综合征,脑膜膨出 WES:TMEM237基因(杂合)突变,Joubert综合征14型 TOP
4 24 小脑叶裂走行紊乱,扭曲 胼胝体发育不良,小脑发育不良,侧脑室增宽,大脑外侧裂显示不清 不详 TOP
5 24 小脑叶裂失去正常弧度,呈纵向排列 WES:AXIN1基因突变 TOP
6 24 小脑叶裂排列不规整,失去正常弧度,呈斜行 胼胝体发育不良,右侧侧脑室前角囊肿,一侧小脑及蚓部发育不良,双侧外侧裂圆钝 WES:TUBA1A基因(错义或杂合)突变,Lissencephaly 3 TOP
7 24 小脑叶裂呈斜向走行且显示欠清晰 Joubert综合征,Blak's囊肿,脑积水 多囊肾,羊水极少 WES:CEP290基因突变,Joubert综合征5型 TOP
8 24 小脑叶裂排列紊乱,中间处叶裂呈斜行 胼胝体发育不良,小脑发育不良,外侧裂浅平,顶枕沟、距状沟未显示 WES:TUBA1A基因(错义或杂合)突变,Lissencephaly 3 TOP
9 25 小脑叶裂呈纵向走行 Joubert综合征,Blake's囊肿 CMA:47,XN,+21 TOP
10 26 左侧小脑叶裂显示不清,右侧小脑叶裂走行紊乱 左侧小脑及上蚓部发育不全,蛛网膜囊肿 WES未见异常 TOP
11 27 右侧小脑局部增大,回声增强,边界不规则,该处叶裂走行紊乱 WES未见异常 孕34周早产,目前17个月,双侧脸颊不对称,右脸增大,考虑右脸面部脂肪瘤;头围大于同龄儿;暂未出现神经症状
12 28 小脑叶裂走行紊乱 Joubert综合征 未送检 TOP
13 29 小脑叶裂排列紊乱,部分扭曲,部分呈斜行 头围小,小脑蚓部发育不良,外侧裂切迹状,顶枕沟、距状沟、中央沟细浅 WES:TUBA1A基因(错义或杂合)突变,Lissencephaly3 TOP
14 30 左侧小脑叶裂走行紊乱 左侧小脑半球发育不全 未检测 活产,目前2岁,精细运动欠佳
15 30 小脑叶裂呈斜行 Joubert综合征 室间隔缺损,轴后多指(趾) 不详 TOP
16 31 两侧半球叶裂尚对称,但失去正常弧度而呈斜行 侧脑室增宽,外侧裂浅平 未检测 TOP
17 31 小脑叶裂排列不规整,失去正常弧度,部分呈斜行,且显示欠清晰 脊髓圆锥位置低 骶尾部毛发样结构,左手轴后多指,室间隔缺损,食管气管瘘不除外,双肾回声增强 不详 TOP
18 34 两侧半球叶裂尚对称,但失去正常弧度而呈斜行 脑中线偏移,胼胝体发育不良,外侧裂切迹状,顶枕沟、中央沟细浅,距状沟显示不清 CMA:20q13.2q13.33重复;6q25.3p25.1缺失 TOP
19 34 小脑叶裂排列紊乱,部分扭曲,部分呈斜行 左侧透明隔部分缺失,左侧侧脑室增宽,外侧裂切迹状 WES:TUBB3基因(杂合)突变,CDCBM1 LB,目前2岁,全面性发育迟缓、智力障碍、癫痫
图7 同孕周小脑叶裂无异常胎儿与小脑叶裂异常胎儿脑部尸检标本对比图(胎儿小脑上面观、侧面观、后面观)。图a~c小脑叶裂无异常胎儿小脑解剖标本图;图d~f孕31周(例1)引产胎儿尸检标本示小脑叶裂异常:左侧小脑半球叶裂不连续,局部走行紊乱(箭头所示)
表2 小脑皮质发育不良胎儿产前检查结果及围产期结局的相关文献报道3
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