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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (11) : 1164 -1173. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2023.11.010


赵亚楠, 方明, 徐绍岩, 魏树梅, 张慧, 黄奕宁, 刘亚静, 黄品同()   
  1. 310009 杭州,浙江大学医学院附属第二医院超声医学科
    311699 杭州,建德市第一人民医院超声医学科
    310009 杭州,浙江大学医学院附属第二医院肝胆胰外科
    310009 杭州,浙江大学医学院附属第二医院病理科
    100053 北京,佳能医疗中国
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-09 出版日期:2023-11-01
  • 通信作者: 黄品同
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(82001818); 浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2023RC022)

Value of multiple acoustic technical parameters combined with serological indicators in diagnosis of hepatic steatosis

Yanan Zhao, Ming Fang, Shaoyan Xu, Shumei Wei, Hui Zhang, Yining Huang, Yajing Liu, Pintong Huang()   

  1. Department of Ultrasonography, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310009, China
    Department of Ultrasonography, Jiande First People's Hospital, Hangzhou 311699, China
    Department of Hepatology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310009, China
    Department of Pathology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310009, China
    Canon Medical Systems China, Beijing 100053, China
  • Received:2022-11-09 Published:2023-11-01
  • Corresponding author: Pintong Huang

赵亚楠, 方明, 徐绍岩, 魏树梅, 张慧, 黄奕宁, 刘亚静, 黄品同. 多声学技术参数联合血清学指标对非酒精性脂肪性肝病肝脂肪变性阶段的诊断价值[J/OL]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2023, 20(11): 1164-1173.

Yanan Zhao, Ming Fang, Shaoyan Xu, Shumei Wei, Hui Zhang, Yining Huang, Yajing Liu, Pintong Huang. Value of multiple acoustic technical parameters combined with serological indicators in diagnosis of hepatic steatosis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2023, 20(11): 1164-1173.






本研究共纳入病例75例,其中肝脂肪变性分级S0、S1、S2、S3级分别为15、41、13、6例。肝脂肪变性分级与声学技术参数衰减系数(AC)值、Ratio值呈显著正相关(相关系数r=0.519、0.285,P<0.001、=0.016),与声学技术参数NLV、NLV的标准差(NLV-SD)呈显著负相关(r=-0.391、-0.356,P=0.001、0.002)。当AC值<0.62 dB/(cm·MHz)或谷草转氨酶(AST)<18 IU/L时,ATI和AST并联诊断肝脂肪变性≥S1级的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.864(95%CI:0.765~0.933),其敏感度和特异度分别为91.5%、80.0%;当AC>0.75 dB/(cm·MHz)且AST>25 IU/L时,ATI和AST串联诊断肝脂肪变性≥S2级的AUC为0.761(95%CI:0.645~0.854),其敏感度和特异度分别为55.6%、92.5%。




To investigate the diagnostic performance of multiple acoustic technical parameters for hepatic steatosis, an early stage of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and to further explore whether acoustic technical parameters combined with serological indicators can improve the diagnostic performance.


We prospectively enrolled 75 consecutive patients with suspected NAFLD who underwent percutaneous liver biopsy for evaluation of hepatic steatosis from June 2020 to December 2021. All cases underwent liver multiparametric ultrasound to obtain the acoustic technical parameters attenuation coefficient (AC), normalized local variance (NLV), and liver and kidney ratio (Ratio) before the liver biopsy procedure. The clinical data and serological data of the patients were collected at the same time. The correlation between the acoustic technical parameters and clinical indicators with hepatic steatosis was assessed by Spearman rank correlation, the diagnostic performance of the acoustic technical parameters for hepatic steatosis was assessed by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, and the diagnostic performance of optimal acoustic technical parameters combined with serological indicators for hepatic steatosis was also analyzed.


A total of 75 cases were included in this study. The distribution of hepatic steatosis grades on histopathology was 15/41/13/6 for none (<5%, S0)/mild (5%-33%, S1)/moderate (>33%-66%, S2)/severe steatosis (>66%, S3), respectively. The AC value (r=0.519, P<0.001) and Ratio value (r=0.285, P=0.016) showed a significant positive correlation with hepatic steatosis, while the NLV value (r=-0.391, P=0.001) and NLV-SD value (r=-0.356, P=0.002) showed a significant negative correlation with hepatic steatosis. When AC<0.62 dB/(cm·MHz) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) < 18 IU/L, the AUC of the parallel diagnosis of ATI and AST for the detection of hepatic steatosis≥S1 grade was 0.864 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.765-0.933), with a sensitivity of 91.5% and specificity of 80.0%. When AC>0.75dB/(cm·MHz) and AST>25 IU/L, the AUC of the tandem diagnosis of ATI and AST for the detection of hepatic steatosis ≥ S2 grade was 76.1% (95%CI: 0.645-0.854), with a sensitivity of 5.6% and specificity of 92.5%.


The acoustic technical parameters AC, NLV, NLV-SD, and Ratio have appreciated diagnostic performance in detecting varying degrees of hepatic steatosis in NAFLD patients. The parallel diagnosis of AC and AST can improve the diagnostic performance for hepatic steatosis≥S1 grade, while the tandem diagnosis of AC and AST can improve the diagnostic performance for hepatic steatosis≥S2 grade.

图1 可疑非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者衰减成像(ATI)、归一化局部方差(NLV)、肝肾强度比(Ratio)检查示意图。图a为ATI图像,左侧显示超声声像图,右侧显示覆盖衰减图的相同超声图像。在图像的左下角,显示衰减系数为0.64 dB/(cm·MHz),拟合优度(R2)为0.92;图b为NLV图像,图下方左侧显示NLV的平均值(Ave)为1.15,标准差(SD)为0.54;图c为Ratio图像,图下方左侧显示Ratio值为2.51,SD为1.27
表1 75例可疑非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者一般临床资料
表2 肝脂肪变性病理分级与声学技术参数和临床参数的相关性
表3 声学技术参数及临床参数在不同级别肝脂肪变性中的差异比较
参数 S0(n=15) S1(n=41) ≥S2(n=19) Z P
AC[dB/(cm·MHz),] 0.63±0.07 0.75±0.12 0.82±0.12 20.389 <0.001
NLV( 1.35±0.28 1.11±0.08 1.08±0.06 14.659 0.001
NLV-SD( 0.82±0.57 0.41±0.24 0.33±0.13 11.188 0.004
Ratio( 1.55±0.78 2.34±1.08 2.46±1.08 7.612 0.022
年龄[岁,MQR)] 52(33,57) 54(44,59) 55(39,67) 2.865 0.239
BMI[kg/m2MQR)] 25.1(23.0,29.4) 25.8(23.5,28.3) 27.2(24.4,30.9) 2.950 0.229
腰围(cm, 91.5±12.0 93.6±10.3 98.0±7.5 3.603 0.165
AST[IU/L,MQR)] 18.0(15.0,23.0) 24.0(19,28) 30.0(26.0,71.0) 15.563 <0.001
ALT[IU/L,MQR)] 21.0(11.0,23.0) 23.0(19.0,40.5) 37.0(26.0,71.0) 20.038 <0.001
Glu[mg/dl,MQR)] 4.93(4.61,6.00) 5.42(5.10,6.11) 5.52(5.10,5.75) 2.482 0.289
TG[mg/dl,MQR)] 2.1(1.5,2.3) 1.7(1.3,2.3) 1.5(1.3,2.7) 2.291 0.318
TC(mg/dl, 5.41±0.85 5.27±1.24 5.40±1.05 1.191 0.551
GGT[IU/L,MQR)] 20.0(16.0,31.0) 31.0(20.5,53.0) 41.5(22.5,73.3) 7.127 0.028
TBIL[μmol/L,MQR)] 11.0(7.5,14.5) 11.7(9.1,15.7) 14.2(12.8,16.1) 4.804 0.091
ALP(IU/L, 85.2±34.9 83.2±20.5 86.2±22.4 0.438 0.803
ALB(g/dl, 41.5±2.1 43.9±3.0 43.9±2.9 9.901 0.007
LDL-C(mg/dl, 3.09±0.56 2.90±0.78 2.97±0.70 1.323 0.516
HDL-C[mg/dl,MQR)] 1.16(1.00,1.30) 1.1(1.01,1.37) 1.20(1.00,1.40) 0.759 0.684
BUN(mmol/L, 5.42±0.82 4.79±1.40 4.59±1.17 5.117 0.077
尿酸[μmol/L,MQR)] 344.0(277.0,444.0) 342.0(302.5,446.5) 345.5(300.3,435.3) 0.023 0.988
皮肤距肝包膜距离[cm,MQR)] 1.7(1.5,2.1) 1.8(1.6,2.1) 1.9(1.7,2.2) 5.989 0.050
表4 AC、NLV、NLV-SD、Ratio值诊断不同级别肝脂肪变性的诊断效能
图2 单独参数和联合参数诊断肝脂肪变性的受试者操作特征曲线。图a:各参数在诊断肝脂肪变性≥S1级的诊断效能比较。图b:各参数在诊断肝脂肪变性≥S2级的诊断效能比较 注:ATI为衰减成像,NLV为归一化局部方差,NLV-SD为归一化局部方差的标准差,Ratio为肝肾强度比值,AST为谷草转氨酶
表5 AC值联合AST对肝脂肪变性的联合诊断效能
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