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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (08) : 794 -801. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2024.08.008


叶婷婷1, 李清莹2, 陈华3, 曾华萍3, 王诗雅3, 巫敏3, 郭娟3, 陈梦华3, 唐婵贤3, 梁凤婷4, 王慧芳3,()   
  1. 1. 518055 深圳大学总医院超声科;518035 深圳市第二人民医院超声科
    2. 518035 深圳市第二人民医院超声科;518107 深圳,中山大学附属第七医院超声科
    3. 518035 深圳市第二人民医院超声科
    4. 523320 东莞市第三人民医院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-09 出版日期:2024-08-01
  • 通信作者: 王慧芳
  • 基金资助:
    深圳市医疗卫生三名工程(SZSM201612027); 深圳市医学重点学科(SZXK052)

Consistency of full-stack smart pelvic floor ultrasound and manual method in obtaining and measuring the minimum levator hiatus plane

Tingting Ye1, Qingying Li2, Hua Chen3, Huaping Zeng3, Shiya Wang3, Min Wu3, Juan Guo3, Menghua Chen3, Chanxian Tang3, Fengting Liang4, Huifang Wang3,()   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen University General Hospital, Shenzhen 518055, China; Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Second People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518035, China
    2. Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Second People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518035, China; Department of Ultrasound, the Seventh Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen 518107, China
    3. Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Second People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518035, China
    4. Department of Ultrasound, Dongguan Third People's Hospital, Dongguan 523320, China
  • Received:2024-01-09 Published:2024-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Huifang Wang

叶婷婷, 李清莹, 陈华, 曾华萍, 王诗雅, 巫敏, 郭娟, 陈梦华, 唐婵贤, 梁凤婷, 王慧芳. 全栈式自动盆底超声与手动方式获取并测量最小肛提肌裂孔平面的一致性评价[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2024, 21(08): 794-801.

Tingting Ye, Qingying Li, Hua Chen, Huaping Zeng, Shiya Wang, Min Wu, Juan Guo, Menghua Chen, Chanxian Tang, Fengting Liang, Huifang Wang. Consistency of full-stack smart pelvic floor ultrasound and manual method in obtaining and measuring the minimum levator hiatus plane[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2024, 21(08): 794-801.










To evaluate the consistency of full-stack smart pelvic floor ultrasound (FSPFU) and manual method in obtaining and measuring the minimum levator hiatus (LH) plane.


From November 2020 to January 2021, 119 women within 6 months after delivery who underwent pelvic floor ultrasound examination at Shenzhen Second People's Hospital were prospectively selected as the research subjects. Using the abdominal volume probe to set the midsagittal plane of pelvic floor as the initial plane, the three-dimensional volume data at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver were acquired and stored in the ultrasonic diagnostic instrument. Two young physicians (young physician manual measurement group) and two senior physicians (senior physician manual measurement group) retrieved the three-dimensional volume data to manually obtain and measure the minimum LH plane. Another young physician (automatic measurement group) retrieved the three-dimensional volume data and used the FSPFU software to automatically obtain and measure the minimum LH plane with one click, and the measurement was repeated once after an interval of 2 weeks. The measurement parameters of the minimum LH include area, circumference, anterioposterior diameter, transverse diameter, left-levator-urethra gap, and right-levator urethral gap. The time and results of obtaining and measuring the minimum LH plane were recorded for each group. The interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plot were used to evaluate the consistency among the three groups. The Dice coefficient of the minimal LH contour outlined by the three groups was calculated.


The automatic measurement group took the shortest time both at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver [2.67 (0.15) s and 2.68 (0.13) s, respectively] compared with the two manual measurement groups (P<0.001). The consistency of the three parameters between the automatic measurement group and the two manual measurement groups was good. The ICC ranged from 0.795-0.931 in the resting state and from 0.871-0.973 during the Valsalva maneuver (P<0.001). The Bland Altman plot also showed good consistency among the groups. The Dice coefficient of the minimal LH outlined contours of the automatic group and the two manual measurement groups (young physician group and senior physician group) were 0.937 and 0.948 in the resting state and 0.934 and 0.945 in the Valsalva state, respectively; the Dice coefficient between the automatic measurement group and the senior physician group was higher than that between the automatic measurement group and the young physician group (P<0.05).


FSPFU can quickly and automatically obtain and measure the minimum LH plane based on the three-dimensional volume data of the abdomen. It is simple to operate, has reliable measurement results, and can be used as an effective and time-saving method to assist in the diagnosis of pelvic floor dysfunction diseases.

图1 标准的盆底正中矢状切面盆底超声图像
图2 肛提肌裂孔(LH)盆底超声图像。图a为静息状态下人工测量;图b为Valsalva动作下人工测量注:1距离为前后径;2距离为左右径;3距离为右侧肛提肌尿道间隙;4距离为左侧肛提肌尿道间隙
图3 肛提肌裂孔(LH)全栈式自动盆底超声(FSPFU)图像。图a为FSPFU软件自动测量静息状态下LH;图b为FSPFU软件自动测量Valsalva动作下LH注:LUG-1为右侧肛提肌尿道间隙;LUG-2为左侧肛提肌尿道间隙
表1 静息状态和Valsalva动作下手动测量与自动测量组间获取并测量最小LH参数的耗时比较[s,MQR)]
表2 不同医师静息状态及Valsalva动作下最小LH相关参数的测量值[MQR)]
表3 各组间静息状态及Valsalva动作下最小LH面积、前后径、左右径测量值的一致性结果
图4 手动测量组与自动测量组肛提肌裂孔参数测量的Bland-Altman图。图a,b分别为静息状态下手动测量年轻医师组、高年资医师组与自动测量组间面积的Bland-Altman图;图c,d分别为静息状态下手动测量年轻医师组、高年资医师组与自动测量组间前后径的Bland-Altman图;图e,f分别为静息状态下手动测量年轻医师组、高年资医师组与自动测量组间左右径的Bland-Altman图;图g,h分别为Valsalva动作下手动测量年轻医师组、高年资医师组与自动测量组间面积的Bland-Altman图;图i,j分别为Valsalva动作下手动测量年轻医师组、高年资医师组与自动测量组间前后径的Bland-Altman图;图k,l分别为Valsalva动作下手动测量年轻医师组、高年资医师组与自动测量组间左右径的Bland-Altman图注:D1为年轻医师组;D2为高年级医师组;D3为自动测量组
表4 自动测量组与手动测量组最小LH轮廓重合率[MQR)]
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