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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (08) : 759 -764. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2021.08.008


王锟1, 张晓花1, 伊凤蕊2, 刘洁2, 董凤群1,()   
  1. 1. 050000 石家庄,河北生殖妇产医院胎儿心脏超声科
    2. 050000 石家庄市妇产医院产科
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-12 出版日期:2021-08-01
  • 通信作者: 董凤群

Application value of fetal echocardiography in the evaluation of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum

Kun Wang1, Xiaohua Zhang1, Fengrui Yi2, Jie Liu2, Fengqun Dong1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Fetal Heart Ultrasonography, Hebei Maternity Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
    2. Department of Obstetrics, Shijiazhuang Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
  • Received:2021-05-12 Published:2021-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Fengqun Dong

王锟, 张晓花, 伊凤蕊, 刘洁, 董凤群. 胎儿超声心动图在评估室间隔完整型肺动脉闭锁中的应用价值[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2021, 18(08): 759-764.

Kun Wang, Xiaohua Zhang, Fengrui Yi, Jie Liu, Fengqun Dong. Application value of fetal echocardiography in the evaluation of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2021, 18(08): 759-764.










To assess the value of fetal echocardiography in the evaluation of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (PA/IVS).


Clinical data of 29 fetuses with PA/IVS diagnosed by prenatal echocardiography at Hebei Maternity Hospital from October 2017 to December 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. Right ventricle length/left ventricle length (RV/LV), tricuspid valve inflow duration/cardiac cycle length (TVID/CCL), tricuspid valve annulus/mitral valve annulus (TV/MV), and tricuspid Z score (TV-Z) were measured by echocardiography. The flow spectrum of the ductus venosus (DV), atrioventricular valve regurgitation, internal diameter and blood flow direction of the ductus arteriosus (DA), the presence of pericardial effusion or not, the presence of combined coronary artery abnormalities or not, and right ventricular dependent coronary circulation (RVDCC) were observed to carry out clinical typing for the 29 fetuses and analyze echocardiographic characteristics.


Prenatal echocardiography in all the 29 cases of PA/IVS showed the reverse flow of the DA to the pulmonary artery. Massive tricuspid regurgitation was observed in 24 cases. Not obvious tricuspid regurgitation or low-to-moderate tricuspid regurgitation was observed in five cases. Missing or reverse A-wave of the DV was observed in 18 cases. Normal venous duct spectrum was observed in 11 cases. According to clinical typing results, there were 12 cases of type Ⅰ PA/IVS, 9 cases of type Ⅱ, 3 cases of type Ⅲ, and 5 cases of type Ⅳ among the 29 PA/IVS fetuses, and there were significant differences in RV/LV, TVID/CCL, TV/MV, TV-Z, and other parameters among fetuses with different types of PA/IVS. Abnormal coronary artery was found in 3 cases, 1 case with abnormal blood flow signal across the myocardium of the right ventricle (type Ⅳ), and 2 cases complicated with coronary artery-right ventricular fistula (1 case with type Ⅲ and 1 case with type Ⅳ); these three cases were considered to be complicated with RVDCC.


Echocardiography has significant value in prenatal diagnosis, clinical typing ,and prognosis evaluation of PA/IVS. Combined application of multiple echocardiographic indexes is helpful for the accurate evaluation of PA/IVS, thus providing a basis for postpartum treatment.

表1 29例PA/IVS分型及右心室发育相关评价指标
图1 孕27 周Ⅱ型室间隔完整型肺动脉闭锁(PA/IVS) 胎儿超声心动图特征。图a示静脉导管A波反向;图b为四腔心切面示右心室发育不良,流入部存在,小梁部消失;图c 示三尖瓣大量反流;图d 示漏斗部存在,肺动脉瓣闭锁呈带状回声(箭头所示);图e示肺动脉瓣闭锁无血流通过(箭头所示),动脉导管逆向血流灌注肺动脉
图2 孕23周Ⅲ型室间隔完整型肺动脉闭锁(PA/IVS)胎儿超声心动图特征。图a为四腔心切面示右心室发育不良,流入部存在,小梁部消失;图b为右心室流出道切面示漏斗部及肺动脉根部闭锁(箭头所示);图c可见左冠状动脉-右心室交通,箭头示右心室瘘口;图d示瘘口血流频谱
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