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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (03) : 255 -261. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2020.03.009

所属专题: 文献


付举一1, 惠品晶1,(), 丁亚芳1, 颜燕红1, 张白1, 贺永明2, 方琪3   
  1. 1. 215006 苏州大学附属第一医院卒中中心 颈脑血管超声科
    2. 215006 苏州大学附属第一医院卒中中心心内科
    3. 215006 苏州大学附属第一医院卒中中心神经内科
  • 收稿日期:2019-07-17 出版日期:2020-03-01
  • 通信作者: 惠品晶
  • 基金资助:
    2017年江苏省干部保健科研项目(BJ17010); 苏州市民生科技示范工程项目(SS201714,SS201859); 科技部十三五重大专项(2017YFC0114302); 国家卫生健康委脑卒中防治工程委员会全国多中心课题(GN-2016R0010)

Feasibility of evaluating right-to-left shunt by contrast-enhanced transcranial Doppler

Juyi Fu1, Pinjing Hui1,(), Yafang Ding1, Yanhong Yan1, Bai Zhang1, Yongming He2, Qi Fang3   

  1. 1. Department of Carotid and Cerebralvascular Ultrasonography, First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
    2. Department of Cardiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
    3. Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
  • Received:2019-07-17 Published:2020-03-01
  • Corresponding author: Pinjing Hui
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Hui Pinjing, Email:

付举一, 惠品晶, 丁亚芳, 颜燕红, 张白, 贺永明, 方琪. 对比增强经颅多普勒超声评估右向左分流的可行性[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2020, 17(03): 255-261.

Juyi Fu, Pinjing Hui, Yafang Ding, Yanhong Yan, Bai Zhang, Yongming He, Qi Fang. Feasibility of evaluating right-to-left shunt by contrast-enhanced transcranial Doppler[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2020, 17(03): 255-261.






临床特征:CS组与LAA组患者在年龄、高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症、颈动脉斑块、吸烟史、血浆同型半胱氨酸升高方面,差异均有统计学意义(t=-26.949,χ2=110.380、62.371、17.352、212.099、25.987、35.415,P均<0.001)。c-TCD、c-TTE诊断RLS:阳性率分别为70.4%(145/206例)、46.6%(96/206例),差异有统计学意义(χ2=24.004,P<0.001),且c-TCD检出的145例RLS包含c-TTE的96例阳性结果。分析c-TCD、c-TTE的结果差异:c-TCD评估的RLS 66.2%(96/145例)经c-TTE检出,对c-TCD评估的固有型及潜在型RLS,c-TTE阳性率分别为78.5%(73/93例)及44.2%(23/52例),差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.501,P<0.001);对c-TCD评估的小量、中量及大量RLS,c-TTE阳性率分别为23.7%(9/38例)、65.4%(17/26例)及86.4%(70/81例),两两相比,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=11.129、45.620、5.730,P均<0.05);c-TCD对RLS的半定量分级高于c-TTE,差异有统计学意义(Z=-6.021,P<0.001)。TEE结果:92.9%(65/70例)的RLS确诊为卵圆孔未闭(PFO)。




To investigate the feasibility of evaluating right-to-left shunt (RLS) by contrast-enhanced transcranial Doppler (c-TCD).


From August 2015 to November 2018, 206 consecutive patients with cryptogenic stroke (CS) hospitalized at the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University were enrolled retrospectively and compared with 120 hospitalized patients with large-artery atherosclerosis (LAA) with regard to clinical features. All patients with CS underwent c-TCD and contrast echocardiography (c-TTE). RLS was considered permanent if it occurred during normal respiration or latent when it occurred only after the Valsalva maneuver. Some patients with large RLS assessed by c-TCD and positive for c-TTE underwent transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). The clinical features of patients with CS and patients with LAA were compared by t-test and χ2-test. The semi-quantitative classification of RLS by c-TCD and c-TTE was compared by Mann-Whitney rank sum test.


The differences in age, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, carotid plaque, smoking history, and plasma homocysteine between the CS group and LAA group were significant (t=-26.949, χ2=110.380、62.371、17.352、212.099、25.987、35.415, all P<0.001). The positive rates of c-TCD and c-TTE in the diagnosis of RLS were 70.4% (145/206 cases) and 46.6% (96/206 cases), respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=24.004, P<0.001). Of 145 cases of RLS detected by c-TCD, 96 had positive c-TTE results. Approximately 66.2% (96/145) of RLS cases diagnosed by c-TCD were confirmed by c-TTE. The positive rates of c-TTE were 78.5% (73/93 cases) and 44.2% (23/52 cases) for permanent and potential RLS assessed by c-TCD, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (χ2=17.501, P<0.001). The positive rates of c-TTE were 23.7% (9/38 cases), 65.4% (17/26 cases), and 86.4% (70/81 cases) for small, moderate, and large RLS assessed by c-TCD, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (χ2=11.129, 45.620, and 5.730, respectively; P<0.05). The semi-quantitative grade of RLS by c-TCD was significantly higher than that by c-TTE (Z=-6.021, P<0.001). Patent foramen ovale was confirmed in 92.9% (65/70) of cases.


c-TCD can accurately assess RLS and provide a reliable basis for individualized diagnosis and treatment of patients with cryptogenic stroke.

图1 增强经颅多普勒超声监测Valsalva动作有效性的示意图。图a、b为增强经颅多普勒超声示监测左侧大脑中动脉60 mm、48 mm深度时,大脑中动脉血流速下降(箭头所示),图c为增强经颅多普勒超声示M波,显示右向左分流阴性
图2 增强经颅多普勒超声通过栓子监测软件自动识别微泡的示意图。图a为增强经颅多普勒超声示探测右侧大脑中动脉48 mm深度时,栓子监测软件自动识别微泡(绿色方框内的红色柱形);图b为增强经颅多普勒超声栓子监测软件示图a中红色柱形对应的音频图呈"纺锤形",进一步确认是一个微泡;图c、d为增强经颅多普勒超声同步显示探测右侧大脑中动脉60 mm深度,栓子监测软件识别微泡的过程
表1 CS患者与LAA患者临床特征对比
表2 c-TCD、c-TTE诊断RLS
图3 增强经颅多普勒超声评估的不同分型右向左分流,右心声学造影的阳性率
图4 患者,女性,45岁,因"突发右侧肢体无力2 d"入院。图a为增强经颅多普勒超声示患者静息状态下,监测到小量右向左分流,图a左上、右上为增强经颅多普勒超声示监测左侧大脑中动脉60 mm、48 mm深度时频谱图,图a正下为M波;图b为增强经颅多普勒超声示患者行Valsalva动作时,监测到中量右向左分流,图b左上、右上为增强经颅多普勒超声示监测左侧大脑中动脉60 mm、48 mm深度时频谱图,图b正下为M波;图c为右心声学造影示右向左分流阴性;图d为磁共振弥散加权成像示右侧小脑急性梗死(白色箭头所示)
图5 患者,女性,53岁,因"大便后突发头晕,站立不稳1 d"入院。图a为增强经颅多普勒超声示 大量右向左分流;图b为右心声学造影示中量右向左分流(箭头所示);图c为经食管超声心动图二维图像,观察到卵圆孔未闭(箭头所示);图d为磁共振弥散加权成像示左侧小脑急性梗死(箭头所示)
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