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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (10) : 970 -976. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2020.10.007

所属专题: 文献


郑凯1, 黄敏1, 庞智2, 褚行琦2, 邓学东1,()   
  1. 1. 215001 南京医科大学附属苏州医院超声科
    2. 215001 南京医科大学附属苏州医院消化科
  • 收稿日期:2019-11-23 出版日期:2020-10-01
  • 通信作者: 邓学东
  • 基金资助:
    江苏省自然基金面上项目(BK20131150); 苏州市医学物理与技术重点实验室(SZS201721)

Transabdominal ultrasononographic manifestations of small bowel Crohn's disease

Kai Zheng1, Min Huang1, Zhi Pang2, Xingqi Chu2, Xuedong Deng1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, the Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215001, China
    2. Department of Gastroenterology, the Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215001, China
  • Received:2019-11-23 Published:2020-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Xuedong Deng
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Deng Xuedong, Email:

郑凯, 黄敏, 庞智, 褚行琦, 邓学东. 小肠克罗恩病的经腹超声图像特征分析[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2020, 17(10): 970-976.

Kai Zheng, Min Huang, Zhi Pang, Xingqi Chu, Xuedong Deng. Transabdominal ultrasononographic manifestations of small bowel Crohn's disease[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2020, 17(10): 970-976.






病变肠壁表现:主要表现为肠壁增厚(41/42),多为全周性及全层性增厚,最厚段36人次位于下腹部,其中以右下腹最多(30/36,83.3%);活动期及严重者肠壁层次消失(16/42),僵硬,蠕动消失;26人次病变肠壁发现深达肠壁各层的溃疡。并发症表现:15人次出现狭窄,图像特征为肠壁增厚、肠腔变窄及近端肠管扩张;8人次出现瘘,图像特征为肠壁与其他器官之间的条状或分支状低回声带,含有或不含有气体强回声;爬行脂肪征30人次,图像特征为高回声脂肪团块包绕肠壁;肠系膜淋巴结炎20人次,其中18人次病灶长径<20 mm,为多发;腹腔积液16人次;腹部包块9人次,其中脓肿5人次,图像特征为炎性肿块内或肠系膜区局限性液区,透声差,无血流信号;穿孔1人次,超声图像表现为肠壁增厚,连续性中断,局部肠壁外见低回声区,腹腔内见游离液区,液区透声差;炎性息肉8人次,单发或多发,超声图像特征为凸入肠腔内的低回声或等回声凸起;憩室形成3人次,图像表现为局部肠壁变薄膨出,多位于系膜缘。活动期(超声评估)狭窄、爬行脂肪征、肠系膜淋巴结炎、腹腔积液等的发生率均明显高于缓解期(超声评估),差异均有统计学意义(P=0.002、0.000、0.024、0.025);活动期(超声评估)肠壁和爬行脂肪的最大厚度平均值明显大于缓解期(超声评估),差异均有统计学意义(P均=0.000)。超声与Harvey-Bradshaw指数对小肠克罗恩病活动性评估的一致性较好(Kappa=0.897,P<0.05)。




To analyze and summarize the ultrasonographic features of intestinal and periintestinal lesions in small intestinal Crohn's disease (SICD).


Twenty-five patients with SICD who were admitted to Suzhou Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University from June 2009 to June 2019 were selected retrospectively, of whom 42 underwent transabdominal intestinal ultrasound examination. The ultrasound images of the diseased intestinal wall, abdominal complications, and activity assessment results of SICD were analyzed and summarized.


The main manifestation of diseased small intestines was intestinal wall thickening (41/42), which was mostly annular and full-layered. Approximately 83.3% (30/36) of thickened segments of the intestines were located in the right lower quadrant (30/36). In active and severe cases, the layers of the intestinal wall disappeared (16/42), and the stiffness of the bowel increased, and peristalsis disappeared. In 26 of the diseased intestinal walls, deep ulcerations can be found in different layers of the wall. Fifteen patients had stenosis, and the image features were intestinal wall thickening and intestinal lumen narrowing with the expansion of the proximal intestine; 8 developed fistula, and the images showed linear echogenic or hypoechoic bands between the intestinal wall and other tissues, with or without strong gas echo; 30 had creeping fat, which manifested as hyper-echogenic mass-like fat around the diseased intestines; 20 developed mesenteric lymphadenitis, 90% of whom had lesions<20 mm in length; 16 had ascites; 9 developed an abdominal mass, including 5 cases of abscess, and the image feature was localized fluid area in the inflammatory mass or mesenteric region, without blood flow signal; 1 developed perforation, and the image features were continuity interruption of a thickened bowel wall, and hypoechoic inflammatory area near the interruption area, with free fluid possibly found inside the abdominal cavity; 8 had inflammatory polyps, which manifested as one or more regular hypoechoic or iso-echoic masses protruding into the bowel lumen; and 3 had diverticulum, manifesting as thinning and swelling of local intestinal wall, mostly located at the mesangial margin. The incidence of stenosis, creeping fat sign, mesenteric lymphadenitis, and peritoneal effusion in the active phase (by ultrasound evaluation) was significantly higher than that in the remission phase (P=0.002, 0.000, 0.024, and 0.025, respectively). The mean maxium thickness of the intestinal wall and creeping fat in the active stage was significantly higher than that in the remission stage (P=0.000). There was a good consistency between ultrasound and Harvey Bradshaw index in assessing the activity of SICD (Kappa=0.897, P<0.05).


Transabdominal bowel ultrasound can accurately show the classic features of Crohn's disease as well as the complications frequently associated with the disease. The addition of color Doppler imaging may allow differentiation of chronic from active bowel wall thickening. Transabdominal bowel ultrasound can be used as a routine imaging assessment tool for SICD.

图1 正常及异常小肠壁超声表现。图a为正常小肠壁超声图像,由内至外清晰显示高-低-高-低-高5层回声(箭头所示);图b示肠壁增厚(测量游标间),以黏膜下层为主(箭头所示),肠壁稍僵硬;图c示小肠壁明显增厚(游标间),层次不清,黏膜层及黏膜下层内见多个条状气体强回声,提示多发溃疡形成
表1 小肠克罗恩病超声所见腹部并发症(n=42)
图2 肠腔狭窄超声图像。图示右下腹小肠壁节段性增厚(测量游标间),肠壁层次不清晰,管腔塌陷,近端肠管扩张,肠壁后方见增厚的脂肪组织
图3 肠瘘超声图像。图a示肠与肠之间及肠与肠系膜间见分支状低回声带,内见点状气体强回声呈串珠排列;图b示在增厚的肠系膜内见条状低回声,内见条状气体回声,一端与肠管相通
图4 肠周爬行脂肪超声图像。图示病变肠管横断面示肠壁增厚,层次消失,肠周系膜缘见脂肪样高回声包绕(测量游标间),肠间隙增宽
图5 小肠炎性包块伴脓肿形成超声图像。图示肠间隙内见稍高回声炎性包块,边界不清,包块内见不规则低回声区,内透声差,无血流信号
图6 小肠炎性息肉超声图像。图示肠壁增厚,层次消失,肠管僵硬,肠后方见脂肪组织高回声;近端肠管扩张,肠壁内侧见数个乳头状实性凸起(箭头所示)
表2 小肠克罗恩病超声评估活动期与缓解期的腹部并发症发生率及超声表现比较
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