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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (10) : 966 -971. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2024.10.006


章建全1,2,(), 程杰1,2, 陈红琼1,2, 闫磊3   
  1. 1.201318 上海国际医学中心介入超声科
    2.201107 上海百汇医院介入超声科
    3.215007 苏州一〇〇医院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-13 出版日期:2024-10-01
  • 通信作者: 章建全
  • 基金资助:

Evaluation of ablated thyroid areas using ACR-TIRADS:a survey study

Jianquan Zhang1,2,(), Jie Cheng1,2, Hongqiong Chen1,2, Lei Yan3   

  1. 1.Interventional Ultrasound Department,Shanghai International Medical Center,Shanghai 201318,China
    2.Interventional Ultrasound Department,Parkway Shanghai Hospital,Shanghai 201107,China
    3.Ultrasound Department,Suzhou 100 Hospital,Suzhou 215007,China
  • Received:2024-05-13 Published:2024-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Jianquan Zhang

章建全, 程杰, 陈红琼, 闫磊. 采用ACR-TIRADS评估甲状腺消融区的调查研究[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2024, 21(10): 966-971.

Jianquan Zhang, Jie Cheng, Hongqiong Chen, Lei Yan. Evaluation of ablated thyroid areas using ACR-TIRADS:a survey study[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2024, 21(10): 966-971.






参与问卷调查共172人,超声专业人员占96.51%(166/172)。其中,使用ACR-TIRADS评估甲状腺消融区的比例为38.55%(64/166),熟知ACR-TIRADS者采用其评估甲状腺消融区的比例显著高于知晓程度较低者(45.92% vs 27.94%,P=0.012),从事甲状腺热消融治疗者采用其评估甲状腺消融区的比例与不从事消融治疗者相比,差别无统计学意义(40.28% vs 37.23%,P=0.690)。低年资超声技师和高年资超声医师对三种疾病消融区声像的ACR-TIRADS评分变异系数相近(33.4% vs 39.0%),两组间的评分M(QR)分别为5(2)和5(2),差异无统计学意义(Z=-0.486,P=0.627)。与消融前相比,消融后BTN和GD的ACR-TIRADS分值升高(BTN:Z=-18.193,P<0.001;GD:Z=-8.257,P<0.001),差值M(QR)分别为2(2)和6(3),而PTC在消融后ACR-TIRADS分值显著下降(Z=-4.810,P<0.001),差值M(QR)为0(2)。




To analyze the current clinical utilization of the American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (ACR-TIRADS) in assessing ultrasound images of ablated thyroid areas, with the objective of preventing inappropriate application of ACR-TIRADS for evaluation purposes.


A survey was conducted from February 2024 to April 2024 using a questionnaire consisting of 20 questions to systematically analyze the current clinical application status of ACR-TIRADS evaluation for ablated thyroid area sonograms among relevant medical practitioners.Thirty cases of benign thyroid nodules (BTN) treated with thermal ablation, thirty cases of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), and five cases of hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease were selected for paired sonograms before and six months after ablation. The paired sonograms of 65 patients were evaluated by four junior ultrasound technicians and four senior ultrasound physicians in accordance with the ACR-TIRADS scoring criteria. The differences in scoring results between the two groups of image readings were compared,and the trends in ACR-TIRADS score changes after ablation for three types of diseases (BTN, PTC, and GD)were analyzed.


A total of 172 medical practitioners participated in the survey, of which ultrasound professionals accounted for 96.51% (166/172). Among them, the percentage of individuals utilizing ACRTIRADS for evaluating thyroid ablation areas stood at 38.55% (64/166). The percentage of medical practitioners who were familiar with ACR-TIRADS and employed it for assessing ablated thyroid areas was significantly higher compared to the percentage of those with lesser awareness (45.92% vs 27.94%, P=0.012).There was not a statistically significant difference in the percentage of individuals employing ACR-TIRADS for evaluating ablated thyroid areas between those conducting thermal ablation therapy and those not (40.28%vs 37.23%, P=0.690). There was no statistically significant difference in the coefficient of variation for ACR-TIRADS scoring of the ablative area sonograms between inexperienced ultrasound technicians and experienced ultrasound physicians (33.4% vs 39.0%). The score M (QR) for both groups was 5 (2), indicating similarity in their evaluations (Z=-0.486, P=0.627). After ablation, the ACR-TIRADS scores of BTN and GD increased compared to those before ablation (BTN: Z=-18.193, P<0.001; GD: Z=-8.257, P<0.001),with the difference value M (QR) being 2 (2) and 6 (3), respectively. However, the ACR-TIRADS score of PTC significantly decreased after ablation (Z=-4.810, P<0.001), with the difference value M (QR) being 0(2).


The use of ACR-TIRADS for evaluating thyroid diseases in thermal ablation treatment is not an isolated phenomenon in clinical ultrasound diagnosis in China. However, when using ACR-TIRADS to evaluate the sonograms of the ablated area, benign diseases represented by BTN and GD may show an increase in TIRADS score and malignant risk after treatment. Therefore, it is still emphasized that ACRTIRADS should not be used for evaluating sonograms of the ablated area, and new reference standards may need to be considered for ultrasound evaluation of nodules after ablation.

图1 经穿刺活检组织病理学确诊的良性甲状腺结节(BTN)热消融前后的声像图。图a为消融前声像图ACR-TIRADS评分3分,结节为实性(+2),类椭圆形(0),水平位(0),质地较均匀,中等回声(+1),边界较清晰(0),未见钙化(0);图b为消融后6个月声像图ACR-TIRADS评分5分,消融区为实性(+2),上极局部形状不规则(+1),水平位(0),质地较均匀,低回声至极低回声(+2),边界较清晰(0),未见钙化表现(0)
图2 经穿刺活检组织病理学确诊的甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)热消融前后的声像图。图a为消融前声像图ACR-TIRADS评分8分,结节为实性(+2),水平位生长(0),边界模糊、不规则(+1),质地不均匀、低回声(+2),见散在钙化(+3);图b为消融后6个月声像图ACR-TIRADS评分7分,消融区为实性(+2),水平位生长(0),边界较清晰、呈类椭圆形(0),质地不均匀,见环形钙化和多发散在钙化(+5)
图3 经甲状腺功能实验室检查和穿刺活检组织病理学确诊的甲状腺功能亢进性GD热消融前后的声像图。图a为消融前声像图甲状腺内未观察到任何结节,ACR-TIRADS评分0分,无结节(0),无钙化(0);图b为消融后6个月声像图,消融区呈现结节样表现,ACR-TIRADS评分5分,实性结节状(+2),极低回声(+3),水平位生长(0)
表1 不同甲状腺疾病消融前后ACR-TIRADS分值比较[分,M(QR)]
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