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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2016, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01) : 21 -25. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2016.01.007

所属专题: 乳腺超声 文献


刘聪1, 田家玮1,(), 李紫瑶1, 张蕾1, 李海茹1   
  1. 1. 150086 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院超声医学科
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-11 出版日期:2016-01-01
  • 通信作者: 田家玮

Value of three-dimensional power Doppler sonography combined with breast imaging reporting and data system for ultrasonography in the diagnosis of breast lesions

Cong Liu1, Jiawei Tian1,(), Ziyao Li1, Lei Zhang1, Hairu Li1   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, the Second Hospital Affiliated to Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150086, China
  • Received:2015-12-11 Published:2016-01-01
  • Corresponding author: Jiawei Tian
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Tian Jiawei, Email:

刘聪, 田家玮, 李紫瑶, 张蕾, 李海茹. 三维能量多普勒联合超声乳腺影像报告与数据系统对乳腺病灶的诊断价值[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2016, 13(01): 21-25.

Cong Liu, Jiawei Tian, Ziyao Li, Lei Zhang, Hairu Li. Value of three-dimensional power Doppler sonography combined with breast imaging reporting and data system for ultrasonography in the diagnosis of breast lesions[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2016, 13(01): 21-25.










To explore the capacity of three-dimensional power doppler sonography (3D-PDS) ultrasound combined with breast imaging reporting and data system (BI-RADS) for ultrasonography in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions.


The BI-RADS and 3D-PDS were conducted on 257 patients with 282 lesions prior to operation. The conventional ultrasound features and three dimensional vascular features were compared between the malignant lesions and benign ones with histopathological results as the reference standard. The clinical values of BI-RADS alone, 3D-PDS alone and the combination of two methods were obtained by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.


In total of 282 breast tumors, there were 175 (62.1%) benign lesions and 107 (37.9%) malignant ones. Statistical significant differences were observed in tumor shape, orientation, boundary, margin, posterior acoustic feature and calcification between the two groups in terms of two dimensional sonography features (P<0.01), and the vascular distribution, the morphology of the vessels and the perforator vessel in the 3D vascular features (P<0.01). The area under the curve (AUC) of the combined method was greater than that of BI-RADS and 3D-PDS.


There were significant differences in conventional ultrasound features, as well as in three-dimensional vascular characteristics between the malignant breast lesions and the benign ones. BI-RADS and 3D-PDS both have limitations., However, BI-RADS combined with 3D-PDS can improve the diagnostic efficiency.

表1 乳腺良、恶性病灶的超声乳腺影像报告与数据系统分类特征(个)
图4 乳腺黏液癌二维超声显示肿块形态不规则,内见多个微钙化
表2 乳腺良、恶性病灶的三维能量多普勒超声血管特征(个)
图6 乳腺黏液癌三维能量多普勒超声观察血管丰富,偏心性分布,血管形态不规则、粗细不均
图7 超声乳腺影像报告与数据系统、三维能量多普勒超声及两者联合诊断乳腺肿块的ROC曲线
表3 超声乳腺影像报告与数据系统、三维能量多普勒超声及两者联合诊断效能分析
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