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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2016, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (10) : 726 -730. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2016.10.003

所属专题: 文献


张梅1, 黄景1, 周琛云1, 刘春乘1, 文晓蓉1,()   
  1. 1. 610041 成都,四川大学华西医院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2016-07-23 出版日期:2016-10-01
  • 通信作者: 文晓蓉

Multimodal sonographyimage characteristics of primary vein smooth muscle tumors

Mei Zhang1, Jing Huang1, Chenyun Zhou1, Chuncheng Liu1, Xiaorong Wen1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2016-07-23 Published:2016-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiaorong Wen
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wen Xiaorong, Email:

张梅, 黄景, 周琛云, 刘春乘, 文晓蓉. 原发性静脉平滑肌肿瘤的多模态超声影像特征[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2016, 13(10): 726-730.

Mei Zhang, Jing Huang, Chenyun Zhou, Chuncheng Liu, Xiaorong Wen. Multimodal sonographyimage characteristics of primary vein smooth muscle tumors[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2016, 13(10): 726-730.




收集2010年1月至2016年1月在四川大学华西医院就诊的经病理证实为原发性静脉肿瘤的患者9例,其中静脉平滑肌瘤6例,平滑肌肉瘤3例。采用高分辨率灰阶超声检查在横切面及纵切面显示病变部位及大小,观察受累静脉是否增粗;采用多普勒超声观察静脉病变内有无动脉血流信号;注射超声造影剂声诺维2.4 ml后观察静脉内肿块的强化模式。






To evaluate the features of primary smooth muscle tumor originating from venous system based on the multimodal ultrasonographic images, and further to enhance the understanding of this entity with less misdiagnosis.


A total of nine patients with smooth muscle tumor, who referred to our hospital between January 2010 and January 2016, were enrolled in this study. Diagnosis was made by histopathologic findings, including 6 cases of leiomyoma and 3 cases of leiomyosarcoma. High-resolution gray-scale ultrasonography was used to assess the location and size of the tumor, as well as to identify whether the involved vein dilated or not. Doppler ultrasonography was used to detect the arterial blood flow signals in the tumor. SonoVue was injected to evaluate the enhancement mode of the tumor.


Among the 9 patients, there were 6 patients with leiomyoma, of which 3 cases involving cephalic vein, 2 cases involving external jugular vein and 1 case involving internal iliac vein (extend to right atrium through inferior vena cava). Hypo-echoic mass was demonstrated in all cases, and venous dilation was found in 4 cases. Abundant arterial blood flow signals were detected in 3 cases by Doppler ultrasonography. All the tumors presented with high-level of enhancement in the arterial phase and low-level enhancement in the venous phase. In addition, there were 3 patients with leiomyosarcoma involving femoral vein or iliac vein. The characteristics of leiomyosarcoma including aneurismal dilation of the involved vein, inhomogeneous mass with hypo-echoic signals, abundant arterial blood flow signals and leiomyosarcoma-liked enhancement mode. However, there were 2 patients presented with regional non-enhancement mode.


We concluded that venous dilation may be a useful clue for the diagnosis of primary smooth muscle tumor originating from venous system. An arterial blood flow signal is an important feature of this lesion. Ultrasonography can be utilized to differentiate between tumor and thrombus.

图1~5 患者,女,57岁,右侧髂内静脉平滑肌瘤沿髂总静脉、下腔静脉延伸至右心房多模态超声图像。图1 为灰阶超声示右侧髂内静脉及髂总静脉内肿块完全充填;图2 为灰阶超声示下腔静脉及右心房内肿块;图3 为彩色多普勒超声示右髂内静脉肿块无血流信号;图4 为超声造影动脉期右髂静脉肿块内不均匀高增强(参照周围组织);图5 为超声造影静脉期右髂静脉肿块内为不均匀低增强(参照周围组织)。
图6~10 患者,男,75岁,左侧髂-股静脉平滑肌肉瘤的多模态超声表现。图6 为灰阶超声示静脉管腔明显增粗,内见不均匀回声肿块充填,最大直径38 mm;图7 为彩色血流显像显示肿块内见较丰富的血流信号;图8 为PW提示肿块内探及低阻动脉频谱(RI:0.56);图9 为超声造影显示动脉期肿块呈不均匀高增强,肿块内部有大片无增强坏死区;图10 为超声造影显示静脉期肿块呈不均匀低增强,肿块内部有大片无增强区;PW为脉冲多普勒
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