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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2017, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (11) : 851 -856. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2017.11.011

所属专题: 文献


刘勤1, 汪龙霞1,(), 王艳秋1, 王岳2, 何萍1, 徐虹1, 闫志风2   
  1. 1. 100853 北京,解放军总医院超声科
    2. 100853 北京,解放军总医院妇产科
  • 收稿日期:2017-08-21 出版日期:2017-11-01
  • 通信作者: 汪龙霞

Prenatal ultrasonographic imaging characteristics and analysis of the causes of missed diagnosis of placenta increta

Qin Liu1, Longxia Wang1,(), Yanqiu Wang1, Yue Wang2, Ping He1, Hong Xu1, Zhifeng Yan2   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, General Hospital of Chinese People′s Liberation Army, Beijing 100853, China
    2. Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, General Hospital of Chinese People′s Liberation Army, Beijing 100853, China
  • Received:2017-08-21 Published:2017-11-01
  • Corresponding author: Longxia Wang

刘勤, 汪龙霞, 王艳秋, 王岳, 何萍, 徐虹, 闫志风. 产前胎盘植入超声图像特征及漏诊原因分析[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2017, 14(11): 851-856.

Qin Liu, Longxia Wang, Yanqiu Wang, Yue Wang, Ping He, Hong Xu, Zhifeng Yan. Prenatal ultrasonographic imaging characteristics and analysis of the causes of missed diagnosis of placenta increta[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2017, 14(11): 851-856.










To explore the ultrasonographic imaging characteristics of placenta increta and clinical data, and analyze the reasons for failure to make an accurate diagnosis.


By means of a retrospective analysis of 27 patients with placenta increta confirmed by operation and pathologic examination from January 2014 to May 2017 in the General Hospital of the People′s Liberation Army (also Hospital 301 for short), the reasons for missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis are comprehensively summarized.


The ultrasound examination in all the 27 cases (5 cases of first pregnancy, 17 cases of scar, 5 cases of maternal) illustrated the poorly-defined boundary between placenta and uterus mesometrium, the loss of retroplacental space, multiple lacunae echo areas, and the incomplete high-echo area of the serous membrane of placenta and bladder (involving the bladder); despite 3 normal placenta, the rest 24 were all diagnosed as placenta previa before operation, of which 20 belonged to central placenta previa and the other 4 belonged to marginal placenta previa. Twenty liveborn infants were delivered in the study, 13 of them went through abdominal hysterectomy after cesarean section surgery, 8 of them only received cesarean section surgery; 2 of them went through vaginal hysterectomy, 1 received cesarean section surgery after interventional embolization, 1 Uterine rupture in utero before got to the hospital, with the rest 2 received interventional embolization clamp scraping as a consequence of deadly induced labor or stillbirth. Postoperative placenta increta types demonstrated adhensive implantation, penetrating implantation, and implantation into muscular but not membrane layer in 3, 2, and 22 cases respectively. In terms of implanting position, only 3 patients (3/17) with cicatricial uterus did′t undergo the implantation into the scar area mainly in the left wall, left anterior wall and posterior wall, as for patients with non-scar uterus, posterior wall implantation was the main mode presented in 6 cases (6/10). Fifteen of all the involved 27 cases were identified while 12 cases failed to be distinguished. The deep reasons of misdiagnosis were placental location (placenta adheres to the posterior wall), fetal head shelter, or small placental placement, gestational age, larger range of placenta implantation, emergency ultrasound only pay attention to the emergency situation and ignore the exist at the same time, experience of inspectors with placenta increta and so on.


Although there are some limitations in prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of placenta, it is still an important method for the diagnosis and prenatal dynamic monitoring of the condition before the placenta implantation.

图1~4 孕39周患者,瘢痕子宫,超声检查发现中央型前置胎盘,前壁下段胎盘后方肌层显示不清,浆膜层回声未见中断,浆膜层血流较丰富,考虑胎盘植入(图1,2);术后大体标本显示胎盘植入,前壁浆膜下未见肌层均为胎盘组织,但未穿透浆膜层(图3,4)
图5~7 患者22岁,孕2产0,药物流产1次,现孕36周,左下腹可见一多房囊肿,大小16 cm×13 cm×11 cm,胎盘位于子宫左侧壁,胎盘后方肌层显示不清、胎盘后胎盘后间隙消失,考虑可能为胎盘植入;磁共振检查显示:盆腔巨大囊腺瘤;未能诊断胎盘植入,于孕38周行剖宫产手术,术中所见与术前超声图像表现一致
图8~10 患者28岁,孕13周,瘢痕子宫,超声检查发现中央型前置胎盘,胎盘内可见少许腔隙性血窦回声,部分前壁、左侧壁及部分后壁胎盘后方肌层显示不清,浆膜下血流丰富(图8,9);超声检查后行阴式子宫切除手术,术中轻微牵拉子宫即见左侧壁浆膜破裂,破口处露出胎盘组织,未见子宫肌层(图10)
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