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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01) : 8 -16. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2022.01.003


丁妍1, 文华轩1, 廖伊梅1, 曾晴1, 彭桂艳1, 李胜利1,()   
  1. 1. 518028 南方医科大学附属深圳妇幼保健院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-11 出版日期:2022-01-01
  • 通信作者: 李胜利
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(81771598); 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1002202); 深圳市科技计划项目(JCYJ20170307091013214)

Prenatal diagnosis of fetal unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia by ultrasound and review of the literature

Yan Ding1, Huaxuan Wen1, Yimei Liao1, Qing Zeng1, Guiyan Peng1, Shengli Li1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital Affiliated to Nanfang Medical University, Shenzhen 518028, China
  • Received:2020-04-11 Published:2022-01-01
  • Corresponding author: Shengli Li

丁妍, 文华轩, 廖伊梅, 曾晴, 彭桂艳, 李胜利. 胎儿单侧小脑发育不全的产前超声诊断[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2022, 19(01): 8-16.

Yan Ding, Huaxuan Wen, Yimei Liao, Qing Zeng, Guiyan Peng, Shengli Li. Prenatal diagnosis of fetal unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia by ultrasound and review of the literature[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2022, 19(01): 8-16.










To explore the prenatal ultrasound features of fetal unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia.


The prenatal ultrasonograms of six fetuses at Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital Affiliated to Nanfang Medical University, who were diagnosed as having unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia were retrospectively reviewed. The prenatal ultrasound characteristics were summarized, and compared with the features of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), postnatal ultrasound, and autopsy examinations. A literature review of prenatal diagnosis of such abnormality was performed.


The prenatal ultrasonograms of the six cases of unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia were characterized as asymmetry of the cerebellar hemispheres and/or a decrease in the transverse cerebellar diameter, with or without deformity of the cerebellar vermis. The cerebellum volume of the affected side decreased, along with an abnormal morphology, while the contralateral side was normal. Three cases had irregular borders in the affected side. After birth, one of the six fetuses was followed to one year old without neurological symptoms. Based on the prenatal and postnatal examination results of the six cases in the present study and those of 36 cases reported in the literature, it was found that cases with isolated unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia and those without intracranial abnormalities or other adverse pregnancy history like prenatal growth restriction or premature birth had better short-term prognosis than unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia fetuses with intracranial abnormalities.


Unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia can be prenatally diagnosed based on the characteristic ultrasonic features and MRI can be used for differential diagnosis.

图1 中孕期正常胎儿小脑超声表现:左右小脑半球对称,边界规则
图2 孕22周胎儿(例6)产前颅脑二维超声声像图。小脑横切面声像图示小脑形态失常,右侧小脑半球明显变小;小脑蚓部正常
图3 孕25周胎儿(例5)产前小脑二维超声声像图及产后脑部解剖图。图a小脑横切面声像图示左侧小脑半球明显变小,蚓部显示不清;图b能量多普勒显示左侧小脑半球小而血供较差(箭头所示);图c产后超声声像图示残存的左侧小脑半球实质(箭头所示);图d产后解剖图(颅底观)示左侧小脑下部几乎缺如
图4 正常胎儿小脑上动脉血供超声声像图(图a、b)及小脑上动脉走行模式图(图c),显示小脑上动脉起自基底动脉并与大脑后动脉伴行(图片引自《奈特人体解剖学彩色图谱第6版》)
图5 孕25周胎儿(例5)产前小脑横切面Micro F显微血流技术图,显示右侧大脑后动脉(蓝箭头所示)及右侧小脑上动脉(黄箭头所示)走行,但左侧仅显示左侧大脑后动脉(红箭头所示),左侧小脑上动脉血流不显示
图6 孕25周胎儿(例5)产前颅脑轴位MRI T2WI 显示左侧小脑半球明显变小
图7 孕23周胎儿(例4)产前颅脑轴位MRI T2WI图像(图a);孕22周胎儿(例6)产前颅脑冠状位MRI T2WI图像(图b)均显示一侧小脑半球明显变小
表1 6例UCH胎儿产前影像检查结果及围产期结局
表2 36例单侧小脑发育不全胎儿的相关文献报道
文献 分类(例数) 产前颅内主要影像学表现及诊断 妊娠结局及产后随访检查情况
1 单纯UCH(8例) 小脑半球不对称7例(此处出现高回声3例;T2WI病灶呈低信号2例);合并蚓部原裂未显示1例;孕21~35周诊断LCH 4例,RCH 4例 活产8例。出生后2周~7个月MRI均证实为单纯UCH;可能继发于小脑出血2例,病因不明6例;随访14个月~9年患儿发育正常7例,出现异常1例
合并异常UCH(15例) 小脑半球不对称,出现边界不规则及小脑叶裂异常等改变(小脑半球处出现高回声2例,MRI信号改变5例);合并蚓部异常4例,脑干不对称1例,严重脑室扩张1例,后颅窝囊性变4例;合并FGR 1例,心脏畸形1例,肠道回声增强1例;孕25~33周诊断LCH 11例,RCH 4例 活产13例(早产低体重儿1例),引产或胎死宫内2例;产后病理及45 d~5个月MRI均证实为UCH,此外蚓部异常4例,脑干异常4例,椎动脉发育不良1例,幕上多发异常1例;胎盘病理示胎儿血栓性血管病变2例;可能与小脑出血或缺血性损害相关7例,CMV感染1例,病因不明7例;产后诊断PHACE综合征 4例;随访2个月~4年患儿发育正常8例,随访5个月~5年出现异常7例
10 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕31周MRI示左侧脑干发育不全,诊断:LCH 活产。MRI及MRA诊断:LCH、一侧脑干发育不全、左侧PICA发育不良、基底动脉瘤;可能与小脑缺血性损害相关。出生后3个月出现右臂轻微无力,17个月时出现急性可逆性凝视异常,右侧偏瘫,肌张力增加
13 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕21周超声诊断:LCH 活产。产后MRI诊断:LCH,左侧后颅窝池小,一侧脑桥发育不良;病因不明;出生几天后患儿肌张力减退,2岁3个月有智力偏低、肌张力减退、左侧肢体轻度共济失调
18 单纯UCH(1例) 孕24周声像图示右侧小脑半球处显示2 cm高回声肿块,孕29周同部位显示5 mm囊性肿块,孕33周诊断:RCH 活产。产后超声证实为RCH;可能继发于小脑出血;随访18个月患儿生长发育正常
22 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕24周超声诊断:RCH,合并眼-耳-椎骨发育不良、FGR 引产。尸检证实为RCH并诊断为Goldenhar综合征,病因不明
23 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕24周超声诊断:RCH,合并蚓部发育不全 活产。产后MRI诊断:RCH,蚓部发育不全;诊断为PHACE综合征;病因不明;随访5个月发育正常
25 单纯UCH(1例) 孕21周声像图示左侧小脑半球高回声区,孕23周同部位低回声伴边缘不规则高回声区,孕25周超声显示两侧小脑半球轻微不对称;MRI T2WI示左侧小脑半球低信号肿块,孕31周诊断:LCH 孕33周时胎死宫内。尸检证实为LCH,胎盘病理示胎儿血栓性血管病变;可能继发于小脑出血
26 单纯UCH(1例) 孕21周声像图示右侧小脑半球处显示高回声肿块,孕23周肿块直径缩小,孕24周诊断:RCH 引产。尸检证实RCH合并小脑海绵状血管瘤致出血性脑梗死
27 单纯UCH(1例) 孕17周超声诊断:RCH 引产。尸检证实为RCH;可能因药物引产失败导致小脑血管破裂
28 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕17 周声像图示后颅窝高回声肿块,孕19周同部位混合回声肿块,孕27周肿块消失,诊断:LCH 活产。产后3个月声像图示左侧小脑囊性结构,产后28个月MRI诊断:LCH,脑干、一侧小脑脚发育不全;可能与小脑出血或缺血性损害相关;3岁时患儿出现轻微震颤,智力和语言发育正常
29 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕22周声像图示左侧小脑半球高回声,4 d后高回声体积缩小,第四脑室增大,孕30周诊断 LCH合并蚓部完全缺失,轻度肠扩张、FGR 引产。尸检证实为LCH,蚓部完全缺失;可能继发于小脑出血
30 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕18周超声怀疑Dandy-Walker畸形、轻度脑积水,孕21周MRI诊断为LCH,孕22周怀疑Dandy-Walker变异;合并蚓部发育不全 引产。尸检证实为LCH,蚓部发育不全,并考虑神经元移行障碍;病因不明
31 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕31周声像图示左侧侧脑室增宽,孕32周双侧侧脑室不对称增宽,孕34周MRI诊断:RCH,脑室内出血;合并蚓部发育不全 活产。产后超声及MRI诊断:RCH,脑干、蚓部发育不全,左侧脑白质轻度萎缩伴囊肿,出血性脑室不对称扩大。可能与脑室出血引起小脑传入神经通路中断相关;出生后异常局促运动和抖动,出生后6~9个月患儿时出现偏瘫,15个月时右侧轻微偏瘫,右侧注意力减少,斜视、右眼视野缩小
32 合并异常UCH(1例) 孕29周声像图示后颅窝囊性病变向右侧小脑延伸,MRI诊断RCH且右侧小脑半球处囊性病变;合并蚓部发育不全 引产。尸检证实为RCH,蚓部发育不全,病理检查示囊性病变为小脑实质坏死后液化;可能与缺血性脑出血相关
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