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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (06) : 617 -623. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2024.06.011


周容1, 张亚萍1, 廖宇1, 程晓萍1, 管玉龙2, 潘广玉3, 闫杰4, 王贤芝5, 苟中山6, 潘登科7, 李巅远8,()   
  1. 1. 641000 内江市第一人民医院超声医学科
    2. 100037 中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 国家心血管病中心 阜外医院体外循环中心
    3. 102206 北京大学国际医院心外科
    4. 610094 成都中科奥格生物科技有限公司
    5. 628000 广元市第一人民医院胸心外科
    6. 215000 苏州,南京医科大学姑苏学院附属苏州医院心血管病中心
    7. 610072 成都,电子科技大学附属医院 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院 临床免疫转化医学四川省重点实验室
    8. 215000 苏州,南京医科大学姑苏学院附属苏州医院心血管外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-21 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 李巅远
  • 基金资助:
    苏州市姑苏卫生人才计划(GSW2022065); 苏州市临床重点病种诊疗技术专项项目(LCZX202211); 南京医科大学姑苏学院引进人才项目(GSRCKY20210101)

Application value of ultrasound in gene-edited pig-monkey xenogeneic heart transplantation

Rong Zhou1, Yaping Zhang1, Yu Liao1, Xiaoping Cheng1, Yulong Guan2, Guangyu Pan3, Jie Yan4, Xianzhi Wang5, Zhongshan Gou6, Dengke Pan7, Dianyuan Li8,()   

  1. 1. Department of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery, First People's Hospital of Neijiang, Neijiang 641000, China
    2. Extracorporeal Circulation Center, National Cardiovascular Disease Center, Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100037, China
    3. Department of Cardiac Surgery, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing 102206, China
    4. Chengdu Aoge Biotechnology Co, Ltd., Chengdu 610094, China
    5. Department of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery, First People's Hospital of Guangyuan, Guangyuan 628000, China
    6. Center of Cardiovascular Disease, Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Gusu School, Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215000, China
    7. Clinical Immunology Translational Medicine Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Affiliated Hospital of Electronic Science and Technology University, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Chengdu 610072, China
    8. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Gusu School, Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215000, China
  • Received:2024-03-21 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Dianyuan Li

周容, 张亚萍, 廖宇, 程晓萍, 管玉龙, 潘广玉, 闫杰, 王贤芝, 苟中山, 潘登科, 李巅远. 超声在基因编辑猪-猴异种并联式心脏移植术中的应用价值[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2024, 21(06): 617-623.

Rong Zhou, Yaping Zhang, Yu Liao, Xiaoping Cheng, Yulong Guan, Guangyu Pan, Jie Yan, Xianzhi Wang, Zhongshan Gou, Dengke Pan, Dianyuan Li. Application value of ultrasound in gene-edited pig-monkey xenogeneic heart transplantation[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2024, 21(06): 617-623.






术前评估显示供受体心脏大小及功能的超声测量参数差距较大,供受体匹配良好,提示心脏异位并联式移植术具有可行性。术后猪心与猴心在并联状态下协同工作,共同维持猴的血液循环,且吻合口通畅,术后猴心射血分数始终维持在60%左右,猪心射血分数维持在35%左右。术后猪心二尖瓣前乳头肌、猪心左右心室壁逐渐增厚(二尖瓣前乳头肌厚度5.4 ~ 8.8 mm,左心室壁厚度6.0 ~ 8.5 mm,右心室壁厚度2.1 ~ 3.5 mm),术后猪心左、右心室心内膜逐渐增厚(LVEN 1.0 ~ 3.1 mm,RVEN 1.0 ~ 2.8 mm)。术后免疫指标IgG、IgM值未见升高。相关性分析显示,IgG、IgM与左、右心室心内膜厚度均无显著的相关性(P均>0.05)。




To assess the application value of ultrasound in gene edited pig-monkey xenogeneic heart transplantation.


On December 16, 2023, a case of gene-edited pig-monkey heart xenotransplantation was performed in the Institute of Experimental Animals of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan People's Hospital. Ultrasound was used to evaluate the size and function of the heart before surgery to assist in the formulation of the transplantation plan, and to monitor the changes of cardiac function and structure, anastomotic blood flow, and general conditions of the whole body after surgery. Spearman correlation was used to analyze the correlation of the thickness of pig heart left ventricular intima (LVEN) and the thickness of pig heart right ventricular intima (RVEN) with IgG and IgM antibodies.


The preoperative evaluation showed that the size and function of donor and recipient hearts were different and the donor and recipient were well matched, suggesting the feasibility of heterotopic cardiac transplantation. After operation, the pig heart and the monkey heart worked together in parallel to maintain the blood circulation of the monkey, and the anastomosis was smooth. The ejection fraction of the monkey heart and the pig heart were maintained at about 60% and 35%, respectively. After operation, the anterior papillary muscle of the mitral valve and the wall of the left and right ventricles of the pig heart gradually thickened (the thickness of the anterior papillary muscle of the mitral valve was 5.4 ~ 8.8 mm, the thickness of the left ventricular wall was 6.0 ~ 8.5 mm, and the thickness of the right ventricular wall was 2.1 ~ 3.5mm), and the ventricular intima of the pig heart also thickened (LVEN: 1.0 ~ 3.1 mm, RVEN: 1.0 ~ 2.8 mm). There was no increase in IgG or IgM antibodies after operation. Correlation analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between IgG/IgM antibodies and the endocardial thickness of the left and right ventricles (P > 0.05).


Gene-edited pigs are feasible as xenotransplantation donors. Ultrasound has good application value for preoperative evaluation, surgical effect evaluation, postoperative management, and immune monitoring of xenografts. Our findings provide strong technical support and data reference for the future clinical application of gene edited pig-monkey xenogeneic heart transplantation.

图1 基因编辑猪-猴异种并联式心脏移植术示意图。猪心左心房与猴心左心房连接,猪心主动脉与猴心升主动脉端侧吻合,猪心肺动脉与猴心右心室流出道端侧吻合,猪心上腔静脉与猴心上腔静脉端侧吻合,猪心下腔静脉开口及肺静脉开口缝闭注:P-H为猪心;M-H为猴心;LA为左心房;RA为右心房;IAS为房间隔;M-SVC为猴心上腔静脉;P-AAO为猪心升主动脉;P-SVC为猪心上腔静脉;P-PA为猪心肺动脉;P-LA为猪心左心房;M-AAO为猴心升主动脉;M-RA为猴心右心房;M-ROVT为猴心右心室流出道
图2 基因编辑猪-猴异种并联式心脏移植术后猪、猴心脏位置及形态。术后猪心位于受体猴右侧胸腔,猴心位于左侧胸腔偏纵隔注:P-H为猪心;M-H为猴心;Left为受体猴左侧;Right为受体猴右侧
表1 术前基因编辑猪和猴心脏的超声测量基线数据
图3 术后心脏超声主要指标变化趋势图。图a为猪心、猴心左心室射血分数变化趋势图,两颗心脏功能呈稳定状态,猴心左心室射血分数始终维持正常水平;图b为猪心左、右心室壁厚度变化趋势图,术后第23天左、右心室壁开始逐渐增厚;图c为猪心二尖瓣前乳头肌厚度变化趋势图,术后第6天二尖瓣前乳头肌开始逐渐增厚;图d为左、右心室心内膜变化趋势图,术后第9天,猪心左心室心内膜逐渐增厚,第24天右心室心内膜逐渐增厚注:P-H为猪心;M-H为猴心;P-VW为猪心室壁厚度;LVW为左心室壁;RVW为右心室壁;P-APM为猪心二尖瓣前乳头肌厚度;P-LVEN/RVEN为猪心左、右心室心内膜厚度
图4 心脏移植术后超声图像。图a显示猪-猴心脏并联,猪心贴近胸壁;图b示猴心术后第7天左心室室间隔与左心室后壁M型超声呈同向运动;图c示猴心术后第20天左心室室间隔与左心室后壁M型超声恢复异向运动;图d示术后第3天猴心下腔静脉塌陷率明显降低,< 10%;图e,f为猪心术后二尖瓣乳头肌短轴切面,图e为术后第5天,猪心室壁、二尖瓣乳头肌、心内膜未见增厚;图f为术后第25天,猪心室壁、二尖瓣乳头肌、心内膜增厚;图g,h为主动脉吻合口及肺动脉吻合口二维超声及血流图,显示猪心主动脉走行迂曲,但吻合口内径尚可,两个吻合口血流通畅;图i,j示猪心和猴心左心房通道(白色箭头),通道内血流通畅;图k ~ o示主动脉、肺动脉吻合口及猪心肺动脉瓣下血流频谱,图k示猪心肺动脉瓣下血流频谱,呈双向,血流速度未见增快;图l示肺动脉吻合口血流频谱,呈双向,血流速度正常;图m示主动脉瓣吻合口血流频谱,呈双向,血流速度正常;图n示术后第3天左心房通道血流频谱,呈双向,血流速度未见增快;图o为术后第25天左心房通道血流频谱,呈单向,此时血流速度增快,提示轻度狭窄注:P-H为猪心;M-H为猴心;LV为左心室;RV为右心室;LA为左心房;RA为右心房;IVS为室间隔;LVEN为左心室心内膜;APM为二尖瓣前乳头肌;P-AO为猪心主动脉;P-AOA为主动脉吻合口;P-PA为猪心肺动脉;P-PV为猪心肺动脉瓣;P-PAA为肺动脉吻合口;M-AO为猴心主动脉;M-ROVT为猴心右心室流出道;P-LA为猪心左心房;M-LA为猴心左心房
图5 IgG、IgM与猪心左、右心室壁内膜厚度相关性散点图。图a ~ d分别为IgM与右心室心内膜厚度、IgM与左心室心内膜厚度、IgG与左心室心内膜厚度、IgG与右心室心内膜厚度的相关性分析散点图注:RVEN为猪心右心室心内膜厚度;LVEN为猪心左心室心内膜厚度
表2 心脏移植术后免疫指标IgG、IgM的荧光强度
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