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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (11) : 1068 -1071. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2024.11.009


马莉1, 刘雨佳2, 张一休1, 欧阳云淑1, 姜玉新1, 孟华,1   
  1. 1.100730 中国医学科学院 北京协和医院超声医学科
    2.101400 北京市怀柔区中医医院功能科
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-26 出版日期:2024-11-01
  • 通信作者: 孟华
  • 基金资助:

Evaluation of teaching effect of standardized ultrasound examination in early pregnancy

Li Ma1, Yujia Liu2, Yixiu Zhang1, Yunshu Ouyang1, Yuxin Jiang1, Hua Meng,1   

  1. 1.Department of Ultrasound, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China
    2.Functional Department,Beijing Huairou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 101400, China
  • Received:2024-03-26 Published:2024-11-01
  • Corresponding author: Hua Meng

马莉, 刘雨佳, 张一休, 欧阳云淑, 姜玉新, 孟华. 早孕期(11周前)超声检查标准化存图的教学效果评估[J/OL]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2024, 21(11): 1068-1071.

Li Ma, Yujia Liu, Yixiu Zhang, Yunshu Ouyang, Yuxin Jiang, Hua Meng. Evaluation of teaching effect of standardized ultrasound examination in early pregnancy[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2024, 21(11): 1068-1071.






抽取培训前早孕期超声报告共789份,其中胎囊-宫体-宫颈纵切面存图合格率为(46.1±27.7)%、胎囊-宫体横切面存图合格率为(89.2±4.2)%、胎芽头臀长切面存图合格率为(93.0±40.1)%、双侧卵巢/附件区切面存图合格率为(58.2±27.8)%。抽取培训后早孕期超声报告共795份,胎囊-宫体-宫颈纵切面存图合格率为(84.9±15.8)%、胎囊-宫体横切面存图合格率为(97.8±3.3)%、胎芽头臀长切面存图合格率为(94.1±34.7)%、双侧卵巢/附件区切面存图合格率为(79.5±19.5)%。其中胎囊-宫体-宫颈纵切面及双侧卵巢/附件区切面存图合格率高于培训前,差异具有统计学意义(t =-6.896、-3.315,P均<0.001)。




To establish a standard ultrasound examination protocol for early pregnancy and verify its application effectiveness.


A standard ultrasound examination protocol for early pregnancy was developed by experts in Peking Union Medical College Hospital. The standard consists of 4 standard sections:the uterine cervical longitudinal section, the uterine transverse section, the fetal bud (head buttock length) section,and the bilateral ovarian section. Thirty-three residents underwent training of this protocol from May to June 2022,and 20-30 early pregnancy ultrasound reports were collected from each resident from November 2021 to April 2022 (before training) and from July to December 2022 (after training) separately. The t-test was used to compare the difference in the quality of ultrasound reports before and after training.


Seven hundred and eightynine ultrasound reports of early pregnancy were selected before training. The qualified rate of the ultrasound reports for different imaging sections was: the uterine cervical longitudinal section, (46.1±27.7)%, the uterine transverse section: (89.2±4.2)%, the fetal bud (head buttock length) section: (93.0±40.1)%, and the bilateral ovarian section:(58.2±27.8)%. Seven hundred and ninety-five ultrasound reports of early pregnancy were selected after training.The qualified rate of the ultrasound reports for different imaging sections was: the uterine cervical longitudinal section, (84.9±15.8)%, the uterine transverse section: (97.8±3.3)%, the fetal bud (head buttock length) section:(94.1±34.7)%, and the bilateral ovarian section: (79.5±19.5)%. The qualified rates of the reports in the uterine cervical longitudinal section and bilateral ovarian section after training were significantly higher than those before training (t=-6.896 and -3.315, respectively; both P<0.001).


Training on early pregnancy ultrasound examination can significantly improve the qualified rate of standardized ultrasound reports, ensuring the medical quality and safety of prenatal ultrasound examination.

图1 北京协和医院早孕期超声检查标准化存图规范图示。图a为胎囊-宫体-宫颈纵切面,同时显示宫体和宫颈最大长轴切面以及宫腔;如有剖宫产史应能显示剖宫产瘢痕;图b为胎囊-宫体横切面,需显示两侧子宫角;图c为胎芽头臀长切面,需清晰显示胎芽,并进行头臀长测量;图d、e为双侧卵巢/附件区切面,显示双侧卵巢切面,如经腹超声显示不清晰,应留存最有代表性的附件区图像 注:ROV为右侧卵巢;LOV为左侧卵巢
表1 培训前后住院医师早孕期标准切面存图合格率比较(%,±s
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