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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (07) : 504 -510. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2019.07.004

所属专题: 文献


何冠南1,(), 赵婧1, 张玲1, 张骞1, 汤蓓1   
  1. 1. 610000 成都,四川省妇幼保健院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2019-05-20 出版日期:2019-07-01
  • 通信作者: 何冠南
  • 基金资助:

Clinical value of development of the fourth ventricle in prenatal sonographic evaluation of fetal posterior fossa abnormalities

Guannan He1,(), Jing Zhao1, Ling Zhang1, Qian Zhang1, Bei Tang1   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610000, China
  • Received:2019-05-20 Published:2019-07-01
  • Corresponding author: Guannan He
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: He Guannan, Email:

何冠南, 赵婧, 张玲, 张骞, 汤蓓. 胎儿第四脑室发育在产前超声鉴别颅后窝异常的临床应用[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2019, 16(07): 504-510.

Guannan He, Jing Zhao, Ling Zhang, Qian Zhang, Bei Tang. Clinical value of development of the fourth ventricle in prenatal sonographic evaluation of fetal posterior fossa abnormalities[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2019, 16(07): 504-510.










To assess the value of the shape and size of the fourth ventricle in evaluating fetal posterior fossa abnormalities in the second trimester.


Based on ultrasound images, the size of the fourth ventricle was measured, the shape of the fourth ventricle was described, and the data of the fourth ventricle was compared with the previously established normal range. A study was then performed on the clinical data of 58 singleton cases with fetal posterior fossa abnormalities from January 2013 to December 2017 at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Sichuan Province. The cases were divided into three groups: group 1, 24 cases with increased fourth ventricle; group 2, 7 with decreased or vanished fourth ventricle; and group 3, 27 with normal fourth ventricle. The pregnancy outcomes of all cases were summarized.


In group 1, there were 15 cases of Dandy-Walker malformation, the transverse diameter of the fourth ventricle was increased, and the transverse diameters were all double standard deviation (2SD) above the value for the same gestational age; there were 9 cases of communicating hydrocephalus, the transverse and anteroposterior diameters, perimeter, and area were all 2SD above the values for the same gestational age. In group 2, 3 had Arnold-Chiari malformationⅡ, 1 had Joubert syndrome, and 3 had rhombencephalosynapsis; the transverse and anteroposterior diameter, perimeter, and area with decreased or vanished fourth ventricle were all 2SD less than the values for the gestational age. In group 3, 10 cases had increased posterior cranial fossa, 3 had posterior cranium arachnoid cyst, 8 had hydrocephalus caused by obstruction above the fourth ventricle, and 6 had Blake's porch cyst; the transverse and anteroposterior diameter, perimeter, and area were all in the normal ranges. In three groups of 58 patients with prenatal diagnosis of posterior fossa abnormalities, after ultrasound or (and) magnetic resonance examination (MRI), 29 pregnant women chose to terminate the pregnancy, and 19 continued to be pregnant until the normal birth of the fetus. Postpartum MRI and autopsy after induction of labor indicated that prenatal ultrasound diagnosis and postnatal examination results were consistent.


The assessment of the size and shape of the fourth ventricle has important value in prenatal ultrasound evaluation of posterior fossa diseases. It is suggested that increased, decreased, or vanished fourth ventricle are not only important diagnostic evidence but also prognostic indicators for posterior fossa diseases. However, our findings still need to further confirmed by multi-center studies with larger samples and wider ranges of gestational weeks.

图1 孕23+1周Dandy-Walker畸形胎儿,产前超声声像图示第四脑室扩大与后颅凹池相通
图2 孕25周菱脑融合胎儿,产前超声声像图示小脑半球融合,第四脑室消失
图5 孕24周永存Blake陷窝囊肿胎儿第四脑室切面声像图
表1 第1组15例小脑蚓部缺如第四脑室下部边界缺失胎儿第四脑室超声测值
表2 第2组7例胎儿第四脑室超声测值
表3 第3组27例胎儿第四脑室超声测值
表4 第3组58例颅后窝异常胎儿异常分类及临床结局
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