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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (05) : 454 -459. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2024.05.002


曾晴1, 文华轩1, 袁鹰1,(), 廖伊梅1, 秦越1, 罗丹丹1, 梁美玲1, 李胜利1   
  1. 1. 518028 深圳市妇幼保健院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-21 出版日期:2024-05-01
  • 通信作者: 袁鹰
  • 基金资助:
    国家重点研发计划(2022YFF0606301); 国家自然科学基金(62227808); 深圳市科技计划项目(JCYJ20220530155208018); 深圳市妇幼保健院院内科研基金项目(FYB2022001)

Sylvian fissure plateau angle: a new parameter to evaluate fetal sylvian fissure by transabdominal two-dimensional ultrasound

Qing Zeng1, Huaxuan Wen1, Ying Yuan1,(), Yimei Liao1, Yue Qin1, Dandan Luo1, Meiling Liang1, Shengli Li1   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital, Shenzhen 518028, China
  • Received:2023-06-21 Published:2024-05-01
  • Corresponding author: Ying Yuan

曾晴, 文华轩, 袁鹰, 廖伊梅, 秦越, 罗丹丹, 梁美玲, 李胜利. 经腹二维超声评价胎儿大脑外侧裂的新参数——外侧裂平台角度[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2024, 21(05): 454-459.

Qing Zeng, Huaxuan Wen, Ying Yuan, Yimei Liao, Yue Qin, Dandan Luo, Meiling Liang, Shengli Li. Sylvian fissure plateau angle: a new parameter to evaluate fetal sylvian fissure by transabdominal two-dimensional ultrasound[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2024, 21(05): 454-459.






在3个切面上正常组所有病例的外侧裂平台角度都>0°,而异常组的3个病例外侧裂角度均<0°。丘脑水平横切面和侧脑室水平横切面上外侧裂平台角度比较(8.28°±3.00° vs 7.98°±2.86°),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);但小脑水平横切面上外侧裂平台角度(10.20°±3.46°)大于丘脑水平横切面和侧脑室水平横切面外侧裂平台角度,差异均具有统计学意义(H=-87.458、-103.208,P均<0.05)。重测一致性和观察者间一致性ICC分别为0.971(95%CI:0.945~0.984)、0.936(95%CI:0.819~0.979)。




To evaluate the sylvian fissure plateau by sylvian fissure plateau angle (SFPA) and explore the cut-off value of the SFPA in screening for fetal cortical developmental abnormalities.


From June 2018 to July 2020, a prospective ultrasound evaluation was conducted on 180 normal and 3 abnormal singleton pregnant women at 23-28 weeks of gestation in Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital. All cases were assessed in three axial planes of the fetal brain (transthalamic, transventricular, and transcerebellar) using transabdominal two-dimensional images. The SFPA of all cases was measured between the brain midline (BM) and a line drawn along the sylvian fissure plateau. Non-parametric test was used to compare the differences of the measured SFPA values on the three axial planes. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used for assessing the intra- and inter-observer repeatability of the SFPA measurements.


The SFPA in normal cases in the transthalamic, transventricular, and transcerebellar planes were all greater than 0°, while in abnormal cases they were smaller than 0°. However, there was no major difference in the angles measured on the transthalamic and transventricular planes (8.28°±3.00° vs 7.98°±2.86°, P>0.05). There was a major difference in the SFPA on the transcerebellar plane (10.20°±3.46°) and transthalamic/transventricular plane (H=-87.458 and -103.208, respectively, P<0.05). The intra- and inter-observer ICC were excellent at 0.971 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.945-0.984) and 0.936 (95%CI: 0.819-0.979), respectively.


The SFPA of normal cases in the three axial views are stable at 23-28+6 weeks of gestation and 0° may be a good cut-off value for evaluating abnormal SFPA. We recommend the SFPA on the transthalamic plane to be used to evaluate the sylvian fissure in clinical work.

图1 胎儿外侧裂平台角度测量方法。图a、b、c分别为正常胎儿经丘脑水平横切面、经侧脑室水平横切面、经小脑水平横切面超声图像上外侧裂平台角度的测量及相应的示意图;图d、e、f分别为异常病例经丘脑水平横切面、经侧脑室水平横切面、经小脑水平横切面超声图像上外侧裂平台角度的测量及相应的示意图;外侧裂平台直线和脑中线向胎儿颅脑前方相交成锐角定义角度为正,而两条直线向胎儿颅脑后方相交成锐角定义角度为负,两条直线平行定义角度为0°
图2 正常和异常组外侧裂平台角度随孕周变化的复合散点图。图a~c分别为丘脑水平横切面、侧脑室水平横切面和小脑水平横切面测得的数据
表1 本研究中3例异常病例的产前和产后随访资料
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