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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2015, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (07) : 551 -556. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2015.07.011

所属专题: 妇产科超声影像学 产前超声 文献 妇产科超声


田瑞霞1, 李胜利2,(), 魏卓君1, 李玲1, 倪俊红1, 崔智慧1, 陈锋1   
  1. 1. 230031 合肥,安徽医科大学解放军临床学院第一〇五医院超声科
    2. 518028 南方医科大学附属深圳市妇幼保健院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2015-03-08 出版日期:2015-07-01
  • 通信作者: 李胜利

Systematic continuous sequence approach combined with three-dimensional ultrasonography in the diagnosis of fetal hand deformity

Ruixia Tian1, Shengli Li2,(), Zhuojun Wei1, Ling Li1, Junhong Ni1, Zhihui Cui1, Feng Chen1   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Affiliated the 105th Hospital of PLA of Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230031, China
    2. Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital, Affiliated to Nanfang Medical University, Shenzhen 518028, China
  • Received:2015-03-08 Published:2015-07-01
  • Corresponding author: Shengli Li
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Li Shengli, Email:

田瑞霞, 李胜利, 魏卓君, 李玲, 倪俊红, 崔智慧, 陈锋. 连续顺序追踪超声法联合实时三维超声在胎儿手畸形诊断中的应用[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2015, 12(07): 551-556.

Ruixia Tian, Shengli Li, Zhuojun Wei, Ling Li, Junhong Ni, Zhihui Cui, Feng Chen. Systematic continuous sequence approach combined with three-dimensional ultrasonography in the diagnosis of fetal hand deformity[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2015, 12(07): 551-556.




对2011年1月至2014年12月在解放军第一〇五医院产前检查的28 541例胎儿行二维和三维超声检查,运用连续顺序追踪超声法重点观察胎儿手部,超声检出手部异常的胎儿均与临床分娩后随访或引产后病理检查结果对照,总结各种手畸形超声征象并对超声漏诊原因进行分析。


28 541例胎儿中产前超声检出手畸形34例(43只手),超声声像图表现:(1)裂手畸形5例,声像图显示胎儿手部中央纵向裂开分为两半(2例呈V字形)。(2)缺指或合并手指形态异常13例,声像图中胎儿部分手指指骨不显示或合并残留手指形态异常。(3)前臂及手发育异常3例,声像图显示胎儿尺、桡骨短小,手腕部结构失常。(4)手指弯斜或手姿势异常7例,声像图显示胎儿手腕部姿势呈钩状,手腕向桡侧偏斜内收弯曲,手掌面贴近前臂;或显示胎儿手半握拳状,拇指内收屈曲,食指弯曲斜压于中指背侧,小指压于无名指背。(5)手缺如6例,声像图显示胎儿手腕部以远缺失。分娩后随访或引产后病理检查证实胎儿手畸形37例(0.13%,37/28 541),产前超声正确诊断34例(91.89%,34/37),其中合并其他畸形18例(52.94%,18/34),染色体异常5例(13.51%,5/37);漏诊3例(4只手畸形):包括多指1例,小指中节及远节指骨缺失1例,小指中节指骨发育不良1例。




To explore the value of systematic continuous sequence approach combined with two- and three-dimensional ultrasonography in screening of fetal hand deformity.


Systematic continuous sequence approach was performed with two- and three-dimensional u1trasonography in 28 541 cases to detect the fetal hand from January 2011 to December 2014 in the 105th Hospital of PLA. Prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis was compared with clinical delivery follow-up and pathology results of induced labour, then prenatal ultrasound features of various fetal hand deformities and the causes of missed diagnosis were analyzed.


Thirty-four cases of fetal hand deformity were diagnosed out of 28 541 fetuses by prenatal ultrasonography (43 hands). In the 34 cases, there were 5 cases of cleft hand, 13 cases of ectrodactyly with fingers abnormal morphology, 3 cases of forearm and hand dysplasia, 7 cases of wrist or finger abnormal posture and 6 cases of hand absence of abnormal. Three missed cases included 1 case of polydacty, 1 case of middle phalanx and distal phalanx of the little thumb absence and 1 case of middle phalanx of little thumb absence. Hand deformity rate was 0.13% (37/28 541). The detection rate of prenatal ultrasonography was 91.89% (34/37). The rate of hand deformity complicated deformity with one or more other organ was 52.94% (18/34). The rate of chromosome abnormalities was 13.51% (5/37). Cleft hand showed that fetal hand from the central longitudinal split into two halves. Ectrodactyly with fingers abnormal morphology showed that one or multiple fingers were absent combined with residual finger abnormal morphology. Forearm and hand dysplasia showed that the forearm was abnormally developed, the ulna and radius were short and the structure of the wrist disappeared. Wrist or finger abnormal posture showed that a hook-shaped wrist or half fist shaped hand, thumb adduction flexion, the index finger bending baroclinic on the dorsal of the middle finger and small finger bending baroclinic on the dorsal of the ring finger dorsal. Hand absence showed that no fetal hands.


Application of systematic continuous sequence approach combined with real time three-dimensional ultrasonography in the diagnosis of fetal hand deformity, such as ectrodactyly with fingers abnormal morphology and wrist or finger abnormal posture, can make up for the shortage of two-dimensional ultrasonography and obtain more diagnostic information.

图1~6 手畸形胎儿产前二维、三维超声声像图及引产标本手部外观图。图1孕19周胎儿裂手畸形,二维超声显示手掌纵向呈"V"字形裂开两半(箭头所示);图2 三维超声显示左手掌偏桡侧纵向裂开似"龙虾爪"(箭头所示);图3 孕24周胎儿缺指及合并手指形态异常,二维超声显示左手仅两根形态异常手指(箭头所示);图4 三维超声显示左手拇指短小(箭头所示);图5 三维超声显示左手食指细小(箭头所示);图6 引产胎儿标本外观检查示左手仅存在拇指和细小食指,中指、无名指及小指处仅可见3个肉丘状突起
图9~14 孕22周胎儿手指弯斜或手姿势异常(钩状手或重叠指)产前二维、三维超声声像图及引产胎儿手畸形外观图。图9,10孕22周胎儿手指弯斜,二维超声显示左手掌贴近前臂与其呈锐角;三维超声显示左手腕部姿势异常似钩状;图11,12三维超声从不同角度显示右手重叠指畸形;图13,14引产胎儿外观检查示左侧钩状手,右手重叠指畸形
表1 34例手畸形胎儿产前超声检查结果(例数)
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