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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2016, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (08) : 603 -608. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2016.08.010

所属专题: 文献


张爱青1,(), 魏瑗1, 张春妤1, 刘朝晖1, 龚丽君1, 王威1, 李平1, 卢珊1, 童春1, 种轶文1   
  1. 1. 100191 北京大学第三医院妇产科超声室
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-08 出版日期:2016-08-01
  • 通信作者: 张爱青
  • 基金资助:

The comparative analysis of prenatal ultrasonographic features and clinical outcome of a twin pregnancy consisting of a complete mole and coexisting fetus

Aiqing Zhang1,(), Yuan Wei1, Chunyu Zhang1, Zhaohui Liu1, Lijun Gong1, Wei Wang1, Ping Li1, Shan Lu1, Chun Tong1, Yiwen Chong1   

  1. 1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2015-10-08 Published:2016-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Aiqing Zhang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhang Aiqing, Email:

张爱青, 魏瑗, 张春妤, 刘朝晖, 龚丽君, 王威, 李平, 卢珊, 童春, 种轶文. 双胎之一完全性葡萄胎产前超声特征与临床结局对照分析[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2016, 13(08): 603-608.

Aiqing Zhang, Yuan Wei, Chunyu Zhang, Zhaohui Liu, Lijun Gong, Wei Wang, Ping Li, Shan Lu, Chun Tong, Yiwen Chong. The comparative analysis of prenatal ultrasonographic features and clinical outcome of a twin pregnancy consisting of a complete mole and coexisting fetus[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2016, 13(08): 603-608.










To discuss the prenatal ultrasonographic features of a twin pregnancy consisting of a complete mole and coexisting fetus (CMCF), and the clinical significance of ultrasonography in diagnosis of CMCF.


In this study, the ultrasonographic features of eleven women who were diagnosed or suspected as CMCF from January 2010 to January 2015 were analyzed, and the imaging findings were compared with the clinical outcome and postnatal pathologic findings.


Nine of eleven women were diagnosed as CMCF by ultrasound at the 11st-13rd gestational week, and the other two women were suspected cases. After pregnancy termination, one of the suspected cases was confirmed as placental infarction secondary to single death in twins, while the other one was proved to be partial hydatidiform mole. Six of all eleven women got pregnant after in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET). They were all transferred two fresh or frozen-thawed embryos, one woman underwent ovulation induction therapy before pregnancy. In all of the CMCF cases ultrasound examination demonstrated a normally growing live fetus with a normal placenta and an additional intrauterine echogenic mass with features of hydatidiform mole. Eight of nine CMCF cases underwent ultrasound examination at the 6th-10th gestational week, five of which were abnormal on ultrasonogram during this period. In these cases, the normal gestational sac and embryo with heartbeats could be observed alongside heterogeneous iso- or hypo echoic mass of irregular shape. However, the sonographic appearance was similar to early intrauterine pregnancy complicated with hemorrhage in the endometrial cavity or single death in twins. All cases were confirmed by pathologic or chromosome examination.


Ultrasonogram of CMCF is typical at the 11st-13rd gestational week, and ultrasonic diagnosis has important clinical application value. The abnormal ultrasonogram of CMCF in the early-period pregnancy should be differentiated from early intrauterine pregnancy complicated with hemorrhage in the endometrial cavity or single death in twins. Management, including the decision on whether to continue pregnancy and the timing of termination, depends on the level and its increase of β-hCG, the size of mass and its growth, the gestational week and existence of complications. Therefore, Ultrasonography has important clinical significance in diagnosis of CMCF.

图1~12 双胎之一完全性葡萄胎孕妇不同孕周超声声像图。图1,2孕妇29岁,孕11周声像图显示宫腔内葡萄胎样组织回声(M及测量处所示),实为停育后胎盘绒毛水肿;图2孕31周超声显示胚胎停育后形成的梗死灶(M);图3孕妇25岁,孕23周声像图显示胎盘及胎盘子面处葡萄胎影像(标记处);图4,5孕妇30岁,孕12周胎儿胎盘旁见分界清晰的葡萄胎(M);图6,7孕妇27岁,孕12周声像图显示葡萄胎组织与正常胎盘相连,分界线不清晰(测量标记处为葡萄胎);图7葡萄胎合并宫腔积血(测量标记处为宫腔积血);图8~10孕妇29岁,孕6周声像图(左图)显示正常发育的胎囊及胎芽;测量标记处为早期葡萄胎;图9孕7周声像图显示正常发育的胎囊及胎芽声像图(左图);测量标记处为早期葡萄胎;图10孕11周声像图显示葡萄胎,病灶大小12.7cm×11.2cm×4.0cm;呈蜂窝状,内未见血流信号,测量标记处为葡萄胎;图11孕妇25岁,孕13周声像图显示葡萄胎病灶增大为23.0cm×13.0cm×11.0cm;图12孕妇32岁,孕23周声像图显示葡萄胎,病灶大小10.0cm×3.0cm×2.0cm
表1 11例孕妇超声表现及临床结局
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