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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (04) : 414 -419. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2024.04.010


张莉1, 郭乡平2, 罗林枝3, 冯雷4, 段丽丽3, 张志凌5, 施敏5, 陈雪琪1, 陈程1, 杨筱1,(), 李建初1,()   
  1. 1. 100010 中国医学科学院北京协和医院超声医学科
    2. 100050 北京医学教育协会
    3. 100010 中国医学科学院北京协和医院教育处
    4. 100053 北京市卫生健康委员会科技教育处
    5. 100007 北京市第六医院功能检查科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-18 出版日期:2024-04-01
  • 通信作者: 杨筱, 李建初
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of content of continuing medical education learning in ultrasound department of different hospitals under the "verifiable independent study" model of continuing medical education

Li Zhang1, Xiangping Guo2, Linzhi Luo3, Lei Feng4, Lili Duan3, Zhiling Zhang5, Min Shi5, Xueqi Chen1, Cheng Chen1, Xiao Yang1,(), Jianchu Li1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing 100010, China
    2. Department of Education, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing 100010, China
    3. Beijing Medical Education Association, Beijing 100050, China
    4. Department of Science, Technology and Education, Beijing Health Commission, Beijing 100053, China
    5. Department of Functional Examination, Beijing Sixth Hospital, Beijing 100007, China
  • Received:2024-01-18 Published:2024-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiao Yang, Jianchu Li

张莉, 郭乡平, 罗林枝, 冯雷, 段丽丽, 张志凌, 施敏, 陈雪琪, 陈程, 杨筱, 李建初. “可验证自学”继续医学教育模式下不同医院超声学科继续医学教育学习内容分析[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2024, 21(04): 414-419.

Li Zhang, Xiangping Guo, Linzhi Luo, Lei Feng, Lili Duan, Zhiling Zhang, Min Shi, Xueqi Chen, Cheng Chen, Xiao Yang, Jianchu Li. Analysis of content of continuing medical education learning in ultrasound department of different hospitals under the "verifiable independent study" model of continuing medical education[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2024, 21(04): 414-419.






两医院超声医师实际获得学分均可达到≥15学分的标准。北京协和医院与北京市第六医院超声医师的目标学分之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),北京协和医院超声医师的实际获得学分明显高于北京市第六医院[(18.8±4.6)vs(15.3±0.5),P<0.001]。北京协和医院超声医师的实际获得学分主要来源为科研相关学习内容,占比58.43%,包括“发表文章”(45.77%)和“科研项目及课题”(12.66%),而北京市第六医院科研相关目标及实际获得学分占比均为0。北京市第六医院超声医师的实际获得学分来源主要为各种形式的线上及线下自主学习。“病例回顾学习”为两医院超声医师的重要目标学分来源,但实际获得学分均明显低于目标学分(北京协和医院为0.64 vs 2.24,北京市第六医院为 0 vs 3.72)。




To explore the differences in the continuing medical education content for ultrasound physicians in tertiary and secondary hospitals under the "verifiable independent study" model of continuing medical education.


This study included 40 ultrasound physicians from Peking Union Medical College Hospital (referred to as tertiary hospital) and 9 ultrasound physicians from Beijing Sixth Hospital (referred to as secondary hospital) to conduct a one-year practical study named "verifiable independent study" continuing medical education pattern research from June 2022 to June 2023. The evaluators from the research team assessed whether the learning plans developed by the participating physicians met the requirements, and awarded corresponding credits based on the reported learning content and accreditation requirements. The target credits and actual credits obtained between the two hospitals were compared, and the composition of learning plans and actual learning content were analyzed.


The actual credits obtained by ultrasound physicians from both hospitals met the standard of ≥15 credits. There was no statistically significant difference in the target credits between ultrasound physicians from the tertiary hospital and secondary hospital (P>0.05). However, the actual credits obtained by ultrasound physicians from the tertiary hospital were significantly higher than those obtained by ultrasound physicians from the secondary hospital [(18.8±4.6) vs (15.3±0.5), P<0.001]. The main source of actual credits for ultrasound physicians from the tertiary hospital was research-related learning content, accounting for 58.43%, including "article publication" (45.77%) and "research projects and topics" (12.66%), while the proportion of research-related target and actual credits obtained by ultrasound physicians from the secondary hospital was 0%. The actual credits obtained by ultrasound physicians from the secondary hospital mainly came from various forms of online and offline autonomous learning. "Case review learning" was an important source of target credits for ultrasound physicians from both hospitals, but the actual credits obtained were significantly lower than the target credits (0.64 vs 2.24 for the tertiary hospital and 0 vs 3.72 for the secondary hospital).


Physicians from both the tertiary and secondary hospitals' can meet the credit requirements. However, there are significant differences in the development of learning plans and the composition of learning content between ultrasound physicians from the two levels of hospitals, indicating that the update of the continuing medical education model should fully consider the needs and actual feasibility of continuing medical education in different levels of hospitals. Additionally, it is recommended to appropriately reduce the difficulty of awarding credits for the learning content of "case review analysis" based on the current credit awarding scheme.

表1 “可验证自学”课题学分授予办法
自学计划内容 验证方式 学分
自主参加可提升职业相关能力的学术交流或培训(包括但不限于学术报告、专题讲座、研讨会、培训班、手术示范、新技术推广、多学科诊疗、病例讨论会等) 1.参与人需提供:①学术活动内容证明(日程或通知等),要求学术活动时长>1学时;②参加证明;③学习反思(要求有实质性内容,文字反思字数不少于1000字,思维导图、知识点笔记等对字数不做要求)
自主学习可提升职业相关能力的线上课程 1.学习证明(要求学习记录可核实,且累计学习时长>1学时)
病例回顾学习 1.病例回顾列表(需包含病例的随访结果,如手术病理或进一步检查报告或临床随访结果)
出版医学著作 已出版的教学专著或教材,并有相应署名或出版社证明 每编写1000字授予1学分(出版年度内)
发表医学译文 已出版的医学译文书籍,并有相应署名或出版社证明 每1000汉字授予1学分
发表文章 文章发表证明 参照《北京市继续医学教育学分授予办法》[1]
科研项目及课题 相关证明 参照《北京市继续医学教育学分授予办法》[1]
科技成果获奖 相关证明 参照《北京市继续医学教育学分授予办法》[1]
发表科普或专业知识文章(含新媒体、公众号等专业相关平台,非个人账号) 发表证明 每2000字授予1学分,每篇不超过2学分
于公共平台录制医学科普或专业知识视频(非个人账号) 视频证明 每1学时授予1学分,每次不超过2学分
通过网络、微信公众号等新媒体形式及阅读专业书刊等,自学与本专业有关的知识,写出综述或笔记 综述或笔记(需注明学习内容及出处),要求>2000字 每2000字可授予1学分,此类学分每年最多不超过5学分
学习由全国继续医学教育委员会或省(区、市)继续医学教育委员会制定的杂志、音像、光盘等形式的自学资料 学习及考核通过记录 参照《北京市继续医学教育学分授予办法》[1]
其他与个人岗位胜任力、科室或医院需求相关的知识、能力或技能(如因赴国外交流之需参加外语、口译培训班内容) 1. 学习证明
2. 学习反思
表2 课题研究对象的年资分布情况[例(%)]
表3 不同医院超声医师目标学分及实际获取学分情况(
图1 不同医院目标学分构成情况
图2 不同医院实际获得学分情况
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