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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2016, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (05) : 340 -348. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2016.05.005

所属专题: 妇产科超声影像学 文献 妇产科超声


凌晨1, 邓学东1,(), 殷林亮1, 张丽丽1, 梁青1   
  1. 1. 215002 南京医科大学附属苏州医院 苏州市立医院超声中心
  • 收稿日期:2016-03-31 出版日期:2016-05-01
  • 通信作者: 邓学东
  • 基金资助:
    江苏省妇幼保健科研项目(F201316); 江苏省卫计委面上科研项目(H201544); 苏州市临床医学中心资助项目(Szzx201505)

Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of fetal urinary system abnormalities

Chen Ling1, Xuedong Deng1,(), Linliang Yin1, Lili Zhang1, Qing Liang1   

  1. 1. Center for Medical Ultrasound, Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Suzhou Hospital, Suzhou 215002, China
  • Received:2016-03-31 Published:2016-05-01
  • Corresponding author: Xuedong Deng
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Deng Xuedong, Email:

凌晨, 邓学东, 殷林亮, 张丽丽, 梁青. 胎儿泌尿系统异常的产前超声诊断[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2016, 13(05): 340-348.

Chen Ling, Xuedong Deng, Linliang Yin, Lili Zhang, Qing Liang. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of fetal urinary system abnormalities[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2016, 13(05): 340-348.










To summarize the prenatal ultrasonography characteristics of fetal urinary system abnormalities. And to investigate the clinical value of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis for these malformations.


The ultrasound images of 492 cases of fetal urinary system abnormalities detected by prenatal ultrasound were retrospectively analyzed, including associated malformations.


There were total 548 abnormalities in 492 cases. Some malformations were detected in most cases (84.3%, 415/492), including 232 cases of hydronephrosis (47.2%, 232/492), 100 cases of renal agenesis or atrophy (20.3%, 100/492) and 83 cases of polycystic kidney disease (16.9%, 83/492), while other kinds of malformations were detected in less cases (27.0%, 133/492), including renal dysplasia, ectopic kidney, confluent kidney, renal duplication, renal cyst, megalocystis, ureterocele, urachal diverticulum, OEIS and prune belly syndrome. Only five cases of megacystis were detected in the first trimester and the others were found in the second or third trimester. Three hundred and sixty-six cases (74.4%, 366/492) were isolated urinary system abnormalities, and the other 126 cases (25.6%, 126/492) were combined with one or more other malformations, totally 214 associated abnormalities. Eighty-eight cases (69.8%, 88/126) with other structural malformations were as followings, 22 cardiac abnormalities, 19 digestive system abnormalities, 17 cranial malformations, 12 limbs abnormalities, nine facial malformations and nine spinal abnormalities, still another 34 cases (27.0%, 34/126) with oligohydramnios. During follow-up, five cases were found to be misdiagnosed by prenatal ultrasonography. Two normal cases were misdiagnosed as renal duplication, one adrenal cyst was misdiagnosed as renal cyst, and two cases of ectopic kidney were misdiagnosed as renal agenesis.


Ultrasonography is a choice in prenatal diagnosis of fetal urinary system abnormalities. It plays an important role in the early detection of these abnormalities and has great significance for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

图6 孕33+2周胎儿二维超声冠状切面显示肾脏多囊性疾病(一侧肾脏,potterⅡ型)
图7~9 孕17+4周胎儿三维超声显示胎儿巨膀胱(后尿道瓣膜)伴膀胱结石;图8 二维超声显示巨膀胱伴膀胱结石;图9 引产胎儿标本显示腹部膨隆
图10~15 孕20+2周VACTER综合征胎儿产前二维及三维超声声像图。图10二维超声显示胎儿心脏室间隔缺损;图11,12 三维超声未见鼻骨显示,显示眼眶异常、椎体裂;图13~15 二维超声肾脏横切面显示胎儿双肾积水;冠状切面显示双肾积水;颈部横切面显示淋巴水囊瘤
表1 492例胎儿(548处)泌尿系统异常超声检出孕期及异常部位(例数)
表2 胎儿泌尿系统异常合并其他系统异常产前检查结果
合并异常部位 例数 合并其他系统异常分类
心脏 22 法洛四联症6例,心脏增大5例,肥厚性心肌病3例,室间隔缺损3例,肺动脉瓣闭锁、重度三尖瓣关闭不全、右心房明显增大1例,房室间隔缺损1例,部分型房室间隔缺损、右心室双出口、永存左上腔静脉1例,心内膜垫缺损1例,右心室双出口1例
消化系统 19 局部肠管回声增强7例,消化系统梗阻4例,肠系膜囊肿3例,食道闭锁2例,肛门闭锁、消化道梗阻伴破裂(包裹性积液及点状钙化灶)、肠重复各1例
颅脑 17 后颅窝池增宽3例,侧脑室扩张3例,胼胝体缺失伴双侧脉络膜囊肿、脑膨出、左侧脑室内出血累及脑实质伴左侧脑室扩张、颅骨形态异常、积水性无脑儿、无叶型前脑无裂畸形、后颅窝池增宽伴小脑下蚓部缺失、左侧脑室内血块、大脑发育不良伴脑室扩张、小脑蚓部发育不良、脉络膜囊肿各1例
肢体 12 足内翻6例,股骨短小、左手重叠指及多指、上肢尺骨缺失、右上肢桡骨弯曲、多趾、下肢骨骼发育异常各1例
颜面部 9 唇腭裂5例,小下颌2例,唇腭裂合并喙鼻、未见鼻骨伴眼眶异常各1例
脊柱 9 脊柱裂4例,半椎体2例,颈胸段脊柱及部分右侧肋骨畸形、脊柱腰骶部形态异常、脊柱尾部退化各1例
胸腔 6 肺部发育不良3例,左侧胸腔肺腺瘤样囊肿伴心脏及纵膈移位、胸腔狭小、膈疝伴右移心各1例
其他 120 羊水过少或无羊水34例,羊水过多29例,单脐动脉18例,心包积液8例,胸腔和(或)腹腔积液7例,颈部淋巴水囊瘤7例,脐带囊肿4例,宫内缺氧、永久性右脐静脉各3例,脐膨出2例,轮廓状胎盘、帆状胎盘、部分内脏反位、骶尾部囊性包块、全身水肿各1例
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