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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (07) : 526 -534. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2019.07.007

所属专题: 妇产科超声影像学 文献 妇产科超声


杨忠1, 邓学东1,(), 殷林亮1, 姜纬1, 梁泓1, 潘琦1, 王珍琦1, 马建芳1, 苟中山1, 凌晨1   
  1. 1. 215002 南京医科大学附属苏州医院 苏州市立医院超声中心
  • 收稿日期:2018-11-20 出版日期:2019-07-01
  • 通信作者: 邓学东
  • 基金资助:
    江苏省卫计委面上科研项目(H201544); 苏州市科技局科研项目(SYS201773)

Combination of two-dimensional ultrasonography with multiple three-dimensional ultrasonographic technologies in prenatal diagnosis of fetal cleft lip/palate

Zhong Yang1, Xuedong Deng1,(), Linliang Yin1, Wei Jiang1, Hong Liang1, Qi Pan1, Zhenqi Wang1, Jianfang Ma1, Zhongshan Gou1, Chen Ling1   

  1. 1. Center for Medical Ultrasound, the Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215002, China
  • Received:2018-11-20 Published:2019-07-01
  • Corresponding author: Xuedong Deng
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Deng Xuedong, Email:

杨忠, 邓学东, 殷林亮, 姜纬, 梁泓, 潘琦, 王珍琦, 马建芳, 苟中山, 凌晨. 二维超声及三维超声多种成像技术在胎儿唇腭裂畸形诊断中的联合应用[J]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2019, 16(07): 526-534.

Zhong Yang, Xuedong Deng, Linliang Yin, Wei Jiang, Hong Liang, Qi Pan, Zhenqi Wang, Jianfang Ma, Zhongshan Gou, Chen Ling. Combination of two-dimensional ultrasonography with multiple three-dimensional ultrasonographic technologies in prenatal diagnosis of fetal cleft lip/palate[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2019, 16(07): 526-534.






产前超声筛查的19 168例中孕期胎儿中检出唇腭部结构畸形36例(0.19%)。36例唇腭裂胎儿超声征象:单纯唇裂(CL)8例,二维、TUI及OmniView模式均检出胎儿唇裂;三维表面成像漏诊1例唇红裂。二维及三维成像技术均显示胎儿上唇连续性中断,但三维成像显示更直观。唇裂合并上牙槽突裂(CLA)11例,二维超声显示8例,三维表面成像、TUI均诊断9例,漏诊2例,OmniView技术诊断10例,漏诊1例,联合检查诊断10例,漏诊1例。主要超声征像:上唇及上牙槽突连续性中断,二维超声对于牙槽突裂显示较困难,TUI及OmniView可从多角度显示牙槽突裂。唇裂合并腭裂(CLP)17例,二维超声(诊断10例)、三维超声表面成像模式(诊断13例)、TUI(诊断15例)、OmniView模式(诊断16例)均未全部检出;而17例CLP经联合检查全部检出。超声征象为上唇、原发腭及继发腭的连续中断,断层成像及OmniView可从多角度显示原发腭及继发腭,优于二维超声对于原发腭及继发腭的显示。




To evaluate the value of the combination of two-dimensional ultrasonogrphy (2D) with multiple three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonographic technologies in prenatal diagnosis of fetal cleft lip/palate.


Two-dimensional ultrasonography and 3D ultrasonography were utilized to evaluate 19168 fetal faces when anomaly scans were performed during the second trimester. Multiple 3D ultrasonographic technologies, including surface imaging, tomography ultrasound imaging (TUI), and OmniView mode, were used. All fetuses were followed to live birth or induced abortion.


Thirty-six fetuses were detected with cleft lip/palate by prenatal ultrasonography screening among the 19168 cases, with a detection rate of 0.19%. Of 36 fetuses with cleft lip and palate, eight with cleft lip (CL) were detected by 2D ultrasonography, TUI, and OmniView mode; however, 1 was missed by 3D surface imaging. Both 2D and 3D imaging techniques showed the continuity interruption of the upper lip, but 3D imaging was more intuitive. Among 11 cases with cleft lip and alveolus (CLA), 8 were detected by 2D ultrasonography, 9 each were detected by 3D surface imaging and TUI, and 2 had missed diagnosis; 10 were detected by OmniView technology and 1 was missed; 10 were detected by combined 2D with 3D ultrasonography , and 1 was missed. The main ultrasonographic features of CLA were: continuity of upper lip and alveolar process was interrupted, 2D ultrasound was difficult to display alveolar process cleft, and TUI and OmniView can display alveolar process cleft from multiple angles. Among 17 fetuses with cleft lip and palate (CLP), 10 were detected by 2D ultrasonography, 13 by surface imaging, 15 by TUI, and 16 by OmniView mode. All of the 17 fetuses were detected by combined 2D with 3D ultrasonography. The ultrasonographic signs of CLP were the continuous interruption of the upper lip, primary palate, and secondary palate. TUI and OmniView can display the primary palate and secondary palate from multiple angles, which is better than 2D ultrasound with regard to displaying the primary palate and secondary palate.


Both 2D and 3D ultrasonography have a high detection accuracy for fetal CL. However, 3D ultrasonography is better than 2D ultrasonography for diagnosis of fetal cleft palate. Combination of 2D ultrasonography with 3D can significantly improve the detection rate of cleft lip/palate and avoid missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.

图1 单纯唇裂胎儿产前超声声像图。图a二维声像图示胎儿唇裂,"+"所示;图b三维表面成像示胎儿双侧唇裂(箭头所示)
图2 断层成像模式下,调整A平面为正中矢状面,作为参考平面,对胎儿唇部进行平行断面显示;主要显示冠状面,可见胎儿上腭连续性中断(箭头所示)
图3 断层成像模式下,调整A平面为正中矢状面,作为参考平面,对胎儿唇部进行垂直断面显示(与上腭平行关系),主要横断面显示,可见胎儿上腭牙槽骨连续性中断(箭头所示)
图4 唇裂合并腭裂胎儿产前超声图像。图a,b为二维超声声像图;图c为OmniView模式下激活容积对比成像,通过正中矢状面,取直线描记沿胎儿额骨、上颌骨及下颌骨前缘可获得胎儿冠状面成像,可观察鼻后三角,可见原发腭的连续性中断(箭头所示)
表1 36例唇腭裂胎儿产前超声检出结果及产后随访结果(检出例数/胎儿例数)
图5 唇裂合并腭裂胎儿产前唇腭部图像。OmniView模式下激活容积对比成像,通过正中矢状面,取直线沿上腭描记,获得牙槽骨横断面,可见牙槽骨的连续性中断(箭头所示)
图6 唇裂合并腭裂胎儿产前三维超声成像和OmniView模式图像。图a,b,c为三维表面成像模式(箭头示唇裂合并腭裂处);图d为OmniView模式图像(箭头示唇裂合并腭裂处)
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