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中华医学超声杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (10) : 953 -957. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1672-6448.2020.10.004

所属专题: 文献


吴赤球1, 裘思英1, 范敬国1, 方莹1, 曹小倩1, 余丹2,()   
  1. 1. 310051 杭州,武警浙江省总队医院特检科
    2. 310051 杭州,武警浙江省总队医院内二科
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-22 出版日期:2020-10-01
  • 通信作者: 余丹

Measurement of gastric emptying by standardized real-time single-plane ultrasonography in healthy adults

Chiqiu Wu1, Shiying Qiu1, Jingguo Fan1, Ying Fang1, Xiaoqian Cao1, Dan Yu2,()   

  1. 1. Department of Special Inspection, Zhejiang Armed Police Corps Hospital, Hangzhou 310051, China
    2. Department of the Second Internal Medicine, Zhejiang Armed Police Corps Hospital, Hangzhou 310051, China
  • Received:2020-06-22 Published:2020-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Dan Yu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Yu Dan, Email:

吴赤球, 裘思英, 范敬国, 方莹, 曹小倩, 余丹. 超声单平面法检测成年人胃排空率的初步研究[J/OL]. 中华医学超声杂志(电子版), 2020, 17(10): 953-957.

Chiqiu Wu, Shiying Qiu, Jingguo Fan, Ying Fang, Xiaoqian Cao, Dan Yu. Measurement of gastric emptying by standardized real-time single-plane ultrasonography in healthy adults[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound (Electronic Edition), 2020, 17(10): 953-957.




选取2020年4月至5月武警浙江省总队医院体检中心志愿接受胃功能超声检查的健康体检者106例。依据年龄不同,将研究对象分为青年组(18~39岁)50例、中年组(40~59岁)39例、老年组(60~79岁)17例。应用超声单平面法,对106例正常志愿者进行胃底、胃体及胃窦超声检查。测量口服胃超声助显剂后即刻、30 min、60 min时胃底、胃体及胃窦部面积,并计算口服胃超声助显剂后30 min及60 min时胃排空率(GER30、GER60)。采用统计学方法计算正常值范围。


106例正常志愿者进行超声检查,其中胃窦部单平面测量成功率为100%(106/106),胃体部为98.11% (104/106),胃底部为97.17%(103/106)。正常成人胃底、胃体及胃窦横断面积随时间推移逐步递减。其中胃窦部GER60较胃底部和胃体部GER60低,差异均有统计学意义(t=3.10、3.93,P均<0.05);胃窦部GER30较胃体部GER30低,差异有统计学意义(t=3.00,P<0.05);而胃体部所测GER30及GER60与胃底部所测GER30及GER60相比差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。不同性别组及不同年龄组胃排空率比较差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。GER30正常参考值的95%CI胃底、胃体、胃窦分别为30.77%~34.19%、32.99%~36.57%、29.41%~32.78%;GER60正常参考值的95% CI胃底、胃体、胃窦分别为51.67%~55.31%、52.61%~56.44%、47.77%~51.16%。




To define the normal ranges of gastric emptying rate (GER) in healthy adults by standardized real-time single-plane ultrasonography after oral intake of gastric ultrasound contrast agent.


A total of 106 healthy adults were collected at Zhejiang Armed Police Corps Hospital from April to May 2020.The individuals were stratified based on age into three groups: 18-39-year-old group (n=50), 40-59-year-old group (n=39), and 60-79-year-old group (n=17). All adults underwent standardized real-time single-plane ultrasound immediately, 30 min, and at 60 min after oral intake of gastric ultrasound contrast agent. The areas of the gastric fundus, gastric body, and gastric antrum were measured. The mean values and the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of GER30 and GER60 were obtained by statistical processing and analysis.


The success rate of imaging different gastric parts by standardized real-time ultrasound after standardized oral intake was 100% (106/106) at the gastric antrum, 98.11% (104/106) at the gastric body, and 97.17% (103/106) at the gastric fundus. The areas of these three gastric parts decreased gradually with time, and the measured GERs changed accordingly. The GER60 of the gastric antrum was significant different from those of the gastric body and gastric fundus (t=3.10 and 3.93, respectively, P<0.05), GER30 of the gastric antrum was significantly different from that of the gastric body (t=3.00, P<0.05), and there was no significant difference between the gastric fundus and gastric body in GER30 or GER60 (P>0.05). GERs did not differ significantly in different age groups or in different gender groups (P>0.05). The GER30 of healthy adults had a 95% CI from 30.77% to 34.19% at the gastric fundus, from 32.99% to 36.57% at the gastric body, and from 29.41% to 32.78% at the gastric antrum; the corresponding values for GER60 were 51.67% to 55.31%, 52.61 to 56.44%, and 47.77% to 51.16%, respectively.


The reference ranges of the normal values of gastric emptying rate have been preliminarily established, which will be of great significance in future clinical applications.

图1 口服造影剂后即刻胃底、胃体及胃窦部超声短轴切面图。图a为胃底短轴切面及测量;图b为胃体短轴切面及测量;图c为胃窦短轴切面及测量
图2 口服造影剂后30 min胃底、胃体及胃窦部超声短轴切面图。图a为胃底短轴切面及测量;图b为胃体短轴切面及测量;图c为胃窦短轴切面及测量
图3 口服造影剂后60 min胃底、胃体及胃窦部超声短轴切面图。图a为胃底短轴切面及测量;图b为胃体短轴切面及测量;图c为胃窦短轴切面及测量
表1 健康成年人胃底、胃体、胃窦部的胃排空率(%,±s
表2 不同性别组的健康成年人胃排空率比较(%,±s
表3 不同年龄组的健康成年人胃排空率比较(%,±s
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